Page 47 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“I won’t betray Dad. Besides, she leftus.”

“And what if I decide to have a relationship with her?”

I gaped at him. “You’re a grown man,” I finally said. “You make your own choices.”

Instead of heading straight home,I found myself outside Paths of Purpose. It was nearly eleven, the street quiet and relatively dark save the few streetlamps and porch lights. I didn’t know what I was doing there. I was half drunk, in a weird mood after the conversation with my brother and Dad, and I wanted Trish.

Of course, she wasn’t there, but somehow I felt connected to her. Maybe it was because I’d seen her going inside—a piece of her life outside where she parked her food truck.

I knew so little about her, yet when I needed someone, she was the first person I thought of. I didn’t have a phone number to call her. Why hadn’t I gotten that already? When I was around her, she distracted me from all common sense. I would have gotten anyone else’s number right off the bat if they interested me even a fraction as much as she did.

I shoved my fingers in my hair and paced beside the entrance to the shelter. It felt urgent to see her, but I’d have to wait until tomorrow.

“What are you doing here?”

I halted at the acidic voice. Baker marched up to me, one hand gripping the handle of her bag, the other balled in a fist at her side. I wondered if she’d deck me. It didn’t seem out of the realm of possibility.

“What areyoudoing here at this hour?” I deflected the accusation back at her. She’d already caught me stalking once. The first time could be blown off as coincidence, though I knew she didn’t believe that. This time . . . I had no excuse.

“I have something to drop off for Mrs. Quinn,” she said quickly, though I wasn’t sure that was the truth. “What’s your excuse?” Baker was unfazed.

“Passing by on my way home.” It wasn’t a total lie. Iwasheaded to my townhouse.

It was her turn to give theI’m not buying itlook. I held her gaze, hoping she’d let me off the hook.

“What do you want with Trish? You’re obviously following her.”

“Is she here?” Hope filled my voice as I glanced toward the door.

“No. It’s almost eleven,” she answered as if I were an idiot.

“Oh.” I looked down at the sidewalk. “I just really wanted to see her.”

She pointed her finger at me. “I don’t know who you are or what you’re up to, but I don’t like it.”

“I like her.”

“Then be normal about it instead of a creep.”

“I’m not a creep.”You’re kinda acting like one.

“Yeah. You are.” I didn’t bother to argue. “And I’m telling her about this.”

I winced. “I wish you wouldn’t.”

“I wish you weren’t a weirdo. She deserves a nice guy. Go away, and give her the chance to find one.” Baker stalked toward the entrance of the building.

“I am a nice guy,” I said to her back.

She spun, fury on her face. “If you care about her, you’ll leave her alone.” I shoved my hands into my pockets without saying a word. “If I catch you back out here again, I’m calling the police.”

Baker disappeared inside, and I sagged against the brick of the exterior. I agreed completely with her that Trish deserved a great guy. And yeah, I could see why she’d think I was a little creepy. I had to find out what was between us. There wassomething, and it felt deep. I needed to know if Trish felt it too. Unfortunately, by pissing off Baker, I’d just made things that much harder on myself.

Chapter Fifteen


The afternoon was never goingto end.
