Page 54 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“He definitely did, but I can’t get him to admit it,” Andrew said.

“Why is it when people start dating someone, they want everyone else to find somebody too?” Holt leveled an accusing look at both of us.

“We’re not actually dating. This is the first time we’ve spent time with each other,” I added. And even if I wanted to, I couldn’t call myself Andrew’s girl, not when he didn’t know about my past or about Ella.I should come with a warning sign.

“We’ve got time, Trish.” Andrew’s lips then pulled into a cocky smile, and then he turned back to Holt. “Dad been riding you about it?”

His brother groaned. I took in the exchange greedily. I didn’t have any siblings, though I wondered if I had, would our relationship be easy like theirs?

“Like you wouldn’t believe. After what happened, he’s surprisingly pro-relationship.” Andrew gave Holt a look. “I guess it has taken him a while to get back on the horse.”

Andrew flicked his eyes back behind his brother in warning. Mr. Dixon approached, hands in his pockets, whistling.

“You’ve been hanging out with Mrs. Quinn,” Holt accused and held up his fist to his dad. Mr. Dixon eyed it warily, instead patting his son’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry about your food truck, Trish,” he said, offering a kind smile.

“Thanks.” I crossed my fingers in front of me. “Hopefully, it’s not too bad.”

“You doubting my skills?” Holt asked, pretending to be affronted.

“No. Just worried once you get deeper there will be something worse,” I confessed. “That’s the way these things usually go, right?”

Holt nodded in understanding. Andrew patted my thigh, and I tensed at the jolt his touch rocketed through me. He moved his hand as if he’d been burned.

“We’ll get it taken care of,” he said hoarsely.

“I thought Ed would have been here by now,” Mr. Dixon said, checking his watch. “His shop isn’t too far from here.”

“I appreciate your help, Mills,” I said. It had only been half an hour, which in New York time was nothing.

His eyes softened. “You’re most welcome. Any time, my dear.”

A sharp horn blast sounded. We all looked as a wrecker wheeled in front of my truck. A man covered in greasy coveralls jumped out of the cab. He trotted over to where we were gathered.

“Ed,” Mr. Dixon greeted, thrusting out his hand.


“This is Trish. And these are my sons, Holt and Andrew.”

Ed shook the guys’ hands, but stopped short when it came to me. “I apologize miss, but my hands are too filthy to dirty you up.” He held up both hands, black streaks that appeared permanent stained his palms and fingers.

“It’s okay.”

Holt explained what he’d found, and Ed agreed to tow my truck to his garage and let him work on it.

“I want to supervise the work. Nothing leaves my garage without me making sure it’s up to my standards,” he said earnestly.

“Fair enough. I’ll help you get her hooked up and hitch a ride with you if that’s cool,” Holt volunteered.

They set to work while we watched.

“My brother looks way more macho than I do. I’d go help, but I’d only slow things down,” Andrew said.

I laughed. “Baker would thoroughly enjoy this, but I’m glad you’re right here.”

