Page 8 of Free Me (Free 1)

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“Wait to be surprised. Or if you’re a fast eater, go for it now.”

He tapped the top of the box. “I think I’m going to want to take my time.”

There was no salaciousness in his gaze, yet I wanted his words to mean something more. I wrapped my arms around my middle, uncertain what to do with what felt like desire. I never expected to feel that again.

“Officer Wilson stopped by earlier,” I volunteered, hoping to distract myself from things I wasn’t ready to feel.

Lines creased his forehead. “Really?”

I nodded. “He apologized. Said he had a bad day yesterday and took it out on me.”

“I’m glad.”

“He sent a lot of his friends by this afternoon too.” The officers had been kind and complimentary. They’d filled my tip jar so full I’d finally had to empty it.

Andrew appeared genuinely pleased for me. “Something not so great may turn out to be all right.”

I inclined my head to the side. Could we possibly have similar philosophies? “That seems to be a running theme in my life.”

“You’re a bright-sider?”

“A what?”

“You see the bright side of things,” he clarified.

I considered a moment. Yeah, I guess I was. “What about you? Are you a bright-sider?”

“Depends on the day of the week.” His smile turned enigmatic.

“And today?” I prompted. I was normally so distrustful, but I was curious to know more about Andrew Dixon.

“Eternal optimist.” He glanced down at his wrist and tapped his watch. “Officer Wilson may come calling soon.”

I shivered. “I’d better get a move on then.”

He set his container of food on the counter and pulled his billfold out of the inside breast pocket of his suit jacket. I held up both my hands, but he pulled cash from his wallet anyway.

“I insist.” Instead of giving me the money, he stuck it in the tip jar. “I have a feeling if I tried to put this in your hands, you wouldn’t take it.”

“You feel right.” My cheeks flamed at the realization of what I said.

“I do.” His gaze met mine, easing the awkwardness of my flub. Now the flames were in my stomach, which tightened into a knot. The good anticipation kind of knot, not the bad.

I looked away quickly, unprepared for my reaction to him. “I’d better pack up,” I said quietly.

“Right.” Andrew rapped his knuckles on the counter twice. “My dinner’s getting cold.”

“Thanks for stopping by. I’m strictly by the book.” I saluted.

He laughed, and I forgot about feeling awkward only a moment before. “See you around, Bright Side.”

I blushed, watching as he moved away, unable to take my eyes off him. Abruptly, he stopped and turned around. I averted my gaze, pretending to wipe at some nonexistent crumbs on the counter.


I lifted my eyes to find warmth mixed with a healthy dose of nerves. Andrew opened his mouth to speak and then snapped it shut. I waited while he debated what he wanted to say.

Finally, he lifted the box of food. “Thanks for this.”
