Page 100 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“What happened after I left?”

She tore at a slice of pizza with her teeth.

“Andrew’s pissed about what you said.” I canted my head. “He’s got a legitimate reason.”

“It just came out. And what if she does end up like that creep?”

“Wicked, they don’t know who the father is.”

She dropped the crust. “Oh shit. I never thought about that.”

I rubbed her back. “I’m proud of you.”

“Why? Iama first-class bitch.”

“What you said to Baker and Holt. I know it wasn’t easy.”

“Andrew told me my mother was at the wedding.” She glazed over my compliment.

“She was?”

“I didn’t know either. Between me and her, it was a disaster.” She picked up another slice.

“The important thing is they’re married. So what if a few fireworks went off?”

“What if I’d done that at your wedding?” She poked me in the arm.

“You just got sauce on my shirt.”

“Did I?” A smile crept up her cheeks.

“You won’t have a panic attack at my wedding because I’ll know better than to have it in a church.”

“I’m surprised we didn’t both incinerate.”

“Speak for yourself.” I feigned indignation.

“You’d really not have your wedding in a church so I could come?”

“Why are you so interested in my hypothetical wedding?” I twirled a lock of her hair around my finger.

“Because then I’ll be rid of you.”

I touched her stomach and pressed my lips to her ear. “You’ll never be rid of me.”

She shivered, but kept eating like it didn’t happen. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“He asleep?”she whispered, peering into my room at Blake in his portable pen.

I held my finger up to my lips and grabbed her hand. We tiptoed downstairs to my study.

I sank down on the floor by the bay window and pulled her between my legs. She leaned against me, hands splayed on my thighs while I rubbed her belly underneath her shirt.

“That feels good.”

“Think Gummy likes it too?”
