Page 108 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“I wish my father was more like yours.”

Ice blue eyes met mine. “You know nothing of my father.”

“He’s persistent. Believes in you. Won’t stop until you’re free.”

He dropped his chin back to his chest.

“I’m here for an hour. You can tell me what happened or we can sit here in silence. Totally up to you.”

“It’s not up to me. I can’t go anywhere. You’ll walk out of here in your expensive suit, get in your Range Rover, and go home to your model wife.”

“I’ll give you that the suit is expensive. I don’t own a car, and I’ve never once considered getting married.” Until recently.

“You can’t help me.”

“Not if you won’t let me.”

Tattoos crept out from his collar up his neck and out of his sleeves to his hands.Lovewas in a script font just above the crook of his neck. I immediately thought of Blake.

I understood why they’d pegged a crime like this on him. At first glance, he was frightening. Right or wrong, the mind automatically went to gang member or at the very least trouble.

“Sidney told me you bought the house. There’s no feeling like inking a signature on those papers.” I’d try for common ground. If this didn’t work, it was on him.

“I worked three jobs to buy it.” Bitterness etched his words. “There was no point.”

“What do you do?”

“Sit in a cell all day.”

“Before,” I obliged, impressed with my own patience at the smart remark.

“Electrician. Plumber. Mechanic.”

“You any good?”

He glared. “I was this close”—he held up his thumb and forefinger—“to having my own company.”

That I could understand. One of my greatest sources of joy and pride had been having my own business. He’d never gotten the chance.

“Another huge deal.”

“Doesn’t matter now. I’ll die in this place.”

“Not if I can help it.”

“You can’t get me out of this.”

“I’ve never lost a case. I have no intention of starting now. But my record depends on you.”

“According to everyone, I’m guilty.”

“Good thing I’m not everyone.”

“I saw her that day.” I set my pen down and waited. “She went into the woods behind our houses. It was near dark, and I was worried something would happen to her.”

He paused. This was the moment when my client would decide whether or not he’d trust me. Whether or not he had any hope left in his heart and soul. Being patient and waiting for that moment was crucial. So, I was.

“Dara had a head start. I called after her, but if she heard, she ignored me.” He lifted his head, those chilling eyes staring right into me. “She seemed like she knew where she was going. I don’t know that. Just how she walked, like the way was familiar. She wasn’t scared.”
