Page 125 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“Add you to that, and I agree wholeheartedly,” he said.

I paused mid-bite and dropped my fork. “Don’t sit here and lie in front of them. If that were true, you wouldn’t have dropped that contract on me.”

“That’s why I did it.”

“I knew that lawyer was on your side.” I resisted the urge to scream in frustration.

“What are you talking about?”

“He said the exact same thing. That you were doing this for my protection.”

“I did do it for you. How many times do we have to go through this?”

“As many as it takes for you to understand you won’t have anything to do with this child. I refuse to have you influence her or Blake to become like you.” The words were vicious and out of line, but I couldn’t get control of my emotions.

“Enough.” Dad leveled me with a look as if I was the one who was wrong.

Patrick leaned back in his chair, but his leg bounced vigorously. He pressed his lips together.

Mrs. Quinn patted his hand. “You’re a wonderful father.”

“He doesn’t even know what that means,” I shouted. Everyone was on his side. Everyone.

“Enough.” Dad pounded his fist on the table.

We all jumped. Blake repeated the motion, and my father appeared crestfallen.

“There’s no need for you to reiterate your feelings about my ability as a father or my general demeanor as a human being. You’re perfectly clear.” Patrick’s voice was mono-tone, as if my opinion meant nothing to him.


He stood and grabbed Blake, whispering against his hair.

“I can’t tell you what to do, but you owe that man an apology.” Dad pointed to Patrick, who waved him off.

“None necessary. Her truth hurts, but at least I know where she stands.”

My throat constricted. He took up for me to the end, even when I didn’t deserve it. The apology formed in my head, but nothing came out. Instead, I stared at him holding my son and temporarily forgot why I was so angry with him in the first place.

Our eyes connected,

“Give him to me,” I said hoarsely, holding out my arms.

Without hesitation, he did.

“More wine, anyone?” He didn’t wait for a response, refilling glasses around the table. “Mrs. Quinn, I haven’t even asked about the shelter. Forgive me; our news has dominated the conversation.”

How could he just move on? He always did that, like he had this uncanny way of letting things go. And he’d given me the ability to get past our arguments too. I just never realized it before now.

She sipped her wine and looked down at her lap. “I had Cricket drug tested.”

He loosened his tie. “Damn. Duke left me a couple of messages. I haven’t had a chance to listen to them.”

“It’s not your responsibility to check on her.”

“Trish asked me to.”

“I know, but—”
