Page 129 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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I hid behind my coffee cup. “That’s different.”

“You sound like my sister.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

He propped a hip against the island. “Why did you tell me not to be pissed when you answered the door? And who are you taking care of?”

I tugged on my collar and cleared my throat. “Have you talked to your dad lately?”

“Yesterday. He was excited Marlow was coming over.”

“So not after that?”

He leaned his elbows on the counter. “What’s with the twenty questions? No.”

“You talked to her?”

“She left me some kind of bizarre message last night. I haven’t called her back.”

“Why not? That’s a big step for her.”

“The last time I fell for that, she ended up saying Ella was going to end up like her father.”

I winced. “Give her another chance. She’s—”

“Is my wife right? Do you have a thing for Marlow?”

I had no idea.

“I’ve definitely got a thing for the baby we’re having.”


My head snapped back when his right hook hit me square in the face.

Chapter Forty-Four


“You solicited an FBI agent for sex?”

“I’ll have to call you back.” Patrick hung up the phone and leaned back in his seat. “Please, come in. I’m thrilled with this surprise visit.”

I pointed at him as I stalked around the desk. “Don’t get smart with me. Please tell me this is a pack of lies.”

“Have I embarrassed you?”

I blinked at him. “Me? No. What you do on your own time is your business.” So I was insanely jealous at having his escapades thrown in my face? Big deal. I hadn’t even known about this until I was already on my way over here to . . . I didn’t know what. Talk? “What about Gummy?”

He slumped. “There’s no proof of anything.”

“The accusation is out there. That’s enough.”

“If you’re here to dump more shit on me, I don’t need it.” He spun his chair toward his desk.

I turned it back and stepped between his thighs. “I’m here for you.”

He stared at me in disbelief before he quietly spoke. “It’s true.”
