Page 139 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“I leave him with you for a few days and his language has gotten much more colorful.” Dad fought a smile as Blake pulled on his collar.

Patrick rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll work on it.”

“He’ll learn it one way or another.” Dad patted his shoulder before he gave Andrew a stern look. “And stop being an A-S-S. Your sister is a grown woman. And she couldn’t have picked a better guy to have a child with.”

“I didn’t pick him,” I said over my shoulder.

Patrick looked a little stunned at my father’s words, but quickly recovered at mine. “Nope. I picked her. She couldn’t resist my charm.”

“What about the FBI?” Andrew lightly punched him in the stomach.

“Remains to be seen.”

Chapter Forty-Seven


“Wereyou really stupid enough to solicit a cop for sex?”

“Who’s in here and who’s not?” I slung my briefcase on the desk and dropped into a chair.

“If you weren’t taking my father’s money I’d fire you.”

“I’ll bill for the work I’ve done so far and we can part ways now if that’s what you want.”

”You’re a criminal.”

“Funny that. You claim to be wrongly accused, yet you’ve already convicted me?” I put my phone on top of my legal pad.

Abraham sulked into his seat. “Have you figured out how to get me out of this yet?”

“Have you told me everything I need to know?”

His lip curled.

“How did things begin with Shel?” I started the voice memo app on my phone.

He lifted and lowered a shoulder.

“Listen. I get this isn’t easy, but the more you tell me, the better chance I can find something to get you acquitted.”

“Washing machine was broken.”

“Hers or yours?”


“Where was the rest of the family?” I drummed my pen on the table.

“School. Work.”

“It was a weekday?”

“Wednesday.” It never ceased to amaze me how some details were so fuzzy and some that seemed minute were crystal clear. What about that day made such an impact?

“Why were you home?”

