Page 141 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“Hewasmy friend.”

“Not now?”

“He thinks I murdered his daughter.”

“And knows you fucked his wife?”

His arm muscles flexed as he clinched his fists. “No.”

“Are you certain?”

“I just know.”

“That’s helpful.” I drummed my pen on the table. He glared at the annoying gesture. “Who else knew about you and Shel?”

He looked away. “Nobody.”

“I’m the one person you shouldn’t lie to.”


I stopped drumming. “How?”

“We were in her kitchen.”

“Doing what?”


“Wasn’t that risky in her home?”

He grunted. More glaring. “Careless.”

“Why do it?”

“They were supposed to be upstairs. Alex wasn’t home.”

“What was Christopher’s reaction?”

He rested his arms on his knees. “Ran. I tried to tell him he didn’t see what he thought he did. Stupid.” Abraham pressed his hand so hard against his skull I thought he’d crack it.

“What changed after that?”

“We were more careful for a while. Kid got more quiet. Wouldn’t look at me.”

“Were there any noticeable differences in his behavior toward Alex?”

He stared at me like I was asking the wrong questions. “Kept his distance from all of us. Except Dara. Only time he seemed normal was around her.”

“Was Shel afraid of anyone?”

“You mean Alex?”


“She was afraid of hurting him.”

“Did that bother you?”
