Page 167 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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Her features twisted in pain before they hardened. A small thrill of victory bolted through me that just maybe she felt a fraction of the hurt she’d caused me.

She looked down as if only now realizing her legs were bare. Placing Blake on the bed, she swiped a pair of sweatpants off the floor and tugged them on.

I couldn’t stop watching. When she caught me, she paused. “You made me love you.” Her mouth flattened into a bitter line. “Guess I deserve this for not learning my lesson the first time.”

She loves me?

The words I’d wanted finally came, but they were hollow. A lie. If she loved me she wouldn’t have asked if I’d done what they accused me of. She’d know the truth because sheknewme.

“My attorney will be in touch.” I didn’t have a fucking lawyer, but I needed one ASAP and it had nothing to do with Marlow.

“Is this why your family has nothing to do with you?” She hesitated in the doorway, almost as if memorizing the room.

“Does it matter?”

When she walked out, my anger deflated, replaced by a sense of loss. I hadn’t even kissed Blake goodbye. Hell, I had no idea when I’d see either of them again. Two seconds ago, I thought I didn’t care if I ever laid eyes on Wicked again. Now, I knew otherwise. And the ache deepened.

I picked up a decorative glass ball from the nightstand and hurled it against the wall. The shatter was satisfying. Anything I could find, I heaved at the wall until a hole formed in the sheetrock.

I ripped the lamp from the electrical socket and smashed it into a stud. I flipped over the chair, both nightstands, ripped the covers off the bed, a tornado of angst and turmoil until I collapsed to the floor.

I buried my head in my hands. Cursed the wetness that coated my palms. The nightmare was just beginning.

For me. For Terra Blunt.

For Gummy.

With this latest round of shit, a court may not grant me any kind of custody. That was the only reason I dug my phone out of my pocket. I knew what had happened that night and didn’t really care anymore what other people thought.

But I wanted my daughter.

If I had any chance of being a father to her, I had to fight.

There was only one lawyer better at this than I was. Zegas. I wouldn’t let him say no.

Chapter Fifty-Six


“How didyou not know about this?”

I’d worn a path in the rug that covered Andrew’s living room floor.

“According to that article, his family paid to bury it.”

“He never talked about it? Them?”

They’d been friends forever. Were like brothers. How did Andrew have no clue?

“I had no idea he came from that kind of money. He worked two jobs, applied for any kind of scholarship he could get, and still managed to graduate at the top of our class.” My brother stared into his whiskey glass.

“Will he be disbarred for this?”

“There is no statute of limitations in Maine for rape of a person under sixteen. He could be tried.”

“What about the settlement they made out of court?”

“Doesn’t matter if the prosecutor wants to reopen it.”
