Page 172 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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We differed again. Thoughts of Marlow only reminded me of what I’d lost. Of what I’d never have.

“Do you have any idea why Alex and Kristen met?”

“She needed money. He needed oxy.”

“And you didn’t think I should know this before now?”

“You want to point fingers in any direction but mine.”

“I’d prefer to figure out who the hell took that little girl and where she is.”

Something in him shifted. I sensed the change, but didn’t know what it was.

“I didn’t know he was dealing until I overheard him and another of our friends after a softball game.”

“Before or after you and Shel got involved?”


I scribbled a timeline on the yellow paper. “He ever hint to you about his sideline?”


“Did Shel know?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Did you tell her?”

He glanced past me. “No.”


A meaty shoulder lifted and lowered. “She had enough to deal with. Her sister. The kids. Alex.”

“Was she on any kind of substance?”

“No.” The word shot at me as if I’d asked the most offensive question he’d ever heard.

“Why was Christopher removed from his mother’s care?”

Another look as if I’d insulted his intelligence. “She’s whacked out.”

“Who stood to gain the most if Dara disappeared?”

“No one.”

“Do you think it was random?”

“No.” His chin dropped to his chest.

“Fact or instinct telling you that?”


I gathered up my things. “Think about who wanted Dara out of the picture. Who benefited, or at least believed they did. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“Christopher.” The word was so low, I barely heard it.
