Page 177 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“None of those either. Only people who think they know what they saw.”

He released a long sigh. “They’re coming after you with everything.”

“Why the warning? And how do you know this? You’re NYPD.” I was being charged by the state of Maine . . . where he had zero jurisdiction.

“Because it’s a witch hunt. From what I’ve seen, it looks bad, but the evidence could be manipulated in either direction.” He took a sip of lemonade. “And I hear things.” Wellthatwas evasive.

“Are you saying you think I didn’t do it?”

“I’m saying there’s a good possibility you didn’t. And I don’t believe in putting innocent men in prison.”

“Me, neither.” I shoved a bite of cookie in my mouth.

“You’re not as bad as they make you out to be.” He pulled a card from his shirt pocket. “Take this. In case you need it.”

I handed him one of my own. “If you ever find yourself in serious trouble, I’ll think about taking the case. But otherwise, I’m out of that game.”

“What about Abraham Addis?”

“Last ditch effort to prove I haven’t wasted my career.”

He stuck the card in his wallet. “Good luck with that.”

I stood and dumped my empty container in the trashcan beside me. “I’m going to need a miracle.”

“Hope you find it.”

“Are you listening to me?”

I turned my phone over on my thigh. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

Kane Zegas set his glasses on his desk. “The word is the girl won’t take the stand.”

“How do you know that?”

“If you’d get off that goddamn phone, you’d know.” He glared. “Nothing should be more important to you than this case right now.”

Marlow should have been finished with the social worker by now. Andrew wouldn’t answer my texts. Zegas had no idea what my priorities were.

“There is no case.” I shot up and moved toward the windows of his office. “My parents are the ones who paid hers not to go to the police. Not to mention, all that’s there is this story in the newspaper. I haven’t been charged, so of course she won’t take the stand. There’s no trial.”

“If there is one, she won’t do it.”

“That’s a bonus,” I said, unable to hide my bitterness.

“We’ll use it to our advantage.”

I pivoted to face my lawyer. “Do you think I did it?”

“I don’t give a shit if you did or not.”

“That wasn’t the question.”

“Does my answer matter? You need me.” He settled back in his seat. “And when I get you out of this, I want the part of my fee off the record in cash.”

I was desperate for someone to believe in me. Even my lawyer would be a start.

My phone chimed.
