Page 199 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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I smoothed the crease in her forehead with my thumb. “I never have to worry if you’re being honest with me.”

Her nose wrinkled. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“Not at all.” I pressed my erection into her stomach.

“You have to go.” She shoved at me again, this time half-heartedly.

“Give me a kiss, and I’ll be out of your hair.” I pointed to my lips.

She brushed mine chastely. “Hurry back and you’ll get a better one.”

“Damn you play hard ball.”


I snickered at Blake, who crawled toward the edge of the bed. In a panic, I rushed over to stop him.

“Whoa there, little dude.” I placed him back in the center of the mattress. “Can’t have you falling off the bed.” He gave me a goofy grin, and I ruffled his hair. “Love you.”

“Love,” he shouted back, and I lit from the inside.

“Once this trial is over, it’s you and me again.”

“He’s going to work at the garage.” Marlow bumped me with her hip.


She straightened my jacket. “We’ll see.” With a wink, she pushed me toward the door. “If you get frustrated today, think about me on my knees, with that beautiful cock of yours in my mouth.”

It pulsed in response. I shook my finger at her. “You’re wicked.”

“So I’ve been told.”

The courtroom was packed.This wasn’t my most high-profile case, but it was close.

“Stop wiggling your foot,” I hissed, nudging Abraham in the arm.

He halted. “You won’t win. You’ve been in jail,” he hissed back.

“I tried to arrange for a cell next to yours so we could talk, but . . .” I shrugged in a whattaya gonna do gesture.

He glared. “You’re out, and I’m not.”

“Just breathe. And be honest.”

“Easy for you to say.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing else you want to tell me?”

“All rise,” the bailiff boomed as the judge entered the courtroom, effectively cutting off my question.

I’d never pled a case to her before, and if the way her eyes remained on Abraham were an indication of how this would go, it wasn’t in our favor. Nobody liked people who hurt children. Even if he hadn’t, we’d yet to prove his innocence, and sometimes that was enough to convict.

She’d just begun her soliloquy of the expectations of her courtroom when Gerard slid me a note. That earned a dirty look from the judge, but my pulse kicked up a notch. What if something was wrong with Marlow? Blake? Gummy?

I unfolded the paper.

Where do I deliver the girl?
