Page 206 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“To support you.”

“This is your fault.” The glare she sent me was lethal.

“I know.” I winked at her, and she shot me the bird.

“One more push, Mrs. Whitley.”

“I hate you.” She sucked in a breath and grunted.

“Love you too.”

My eyes stung at the sight of Gummy’s head and when she slid into the doctor’s arms. Two tiny hands, two tiny feet, a pink belly, and the most angelic-looking face I’d ever seen. We made her.

“She’s beautiful,” I said hoarsely, unable to stop staring.

Wicked squeezed my fingers gently. “I can’t believe she’s here.” Her head collapsed back into the pillows.

I brushed her damp hair back from her face. “You gave me this.” A fullness I’d never known filled me.

“I love you.” She craned her neck toward me, and I kissed her.

“Thirsty?” I held the straw up to her lips. She greedily sucked down ice water.

“Would you like to hold her?” A nurse held Gummy out to me.

I stared at her a second, uncertain. Marlow patted my arm, gave me an encouraging smile.

Something in me transformed the second I held her. Blake and Wicked had made me a better man. Gummy affirmed I could be everything for my family. I would always love this little one. Unconditionally. That should frighten me. But I’d watched Mr. Dixon love his kids that way for years, and it was because of him I knew I could be that man. The one this little girl would call Daddy, knowing I’d always believe in her. Stand up for her. Protect her. Love her.

“Hey, Gummy. We’ve been waiting for you.” A tear slipped down my cheek and landed on hers.

“We never decided on a name.”

I flashed a smile at Marlow, her expression turning wary. “Gili Brenna Whitley.”

“You came up with that?”

“We can call her GB for short.”

She pressed her lips together. “Why don’t we just name her Gummy Bear?”

“That’s her nickname,” I kissed Gummy’s forehead. “Gili means eternal joy. That’s what she’s given us and what I hope she has.”

“Damn you.” Marlow swiped at her eyes. “Gili it is.”

“Thank you,” I whispered to my daughter. “You have no idea what you’ve done.” I passed her to Wicked.

“She saved me,” she said, eyes shining.

“She saved us.”
