Page 34 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“The apartment is nice. Spacious.”

“Yeah, but you’d never get away from work. And are they planning to have kids? Because that place is an accident waiting to happen.”

“You could ask him.”

I snorted. “He’d think I meant something by it that I wouldn’t.”

“I’d leave out the part about living there being stupid.”

I sipped the wine. “What’s the point? He already—”

Ring. Ring. Ring.I picked up his phone from where it lay near me on the table and went to pass it to him.

What the hell? After all the anger directed my way . . .

“You’retalking to her.”

“Marlow . . .”

The chair scraped as I stood. I shoved the phone at him. “All of you gave me such grief about having a relationship with her and yet here you are, doing the same thing. Hypocrite much?” I couldn’t stay here. I couldn’t pretend that I belonged here anymore. How could he do this to me?

No, I wouldn’t stay. I was exhausted. The trip home would be hell at this time, but I had to leave.

“You don’t understand.” He came toward me, a plea in his eyes.

“That’s true. I truly don’t understand your hypocrisy.”

I snatched my purse off the floor, grabbed Blake’s bag from the living room, and loaded him into his stroller parked by the door.

“Sweetheart, please. Listen to me.”

I whirled around. “Like you did me? No, thanks.”

Chapter Fourteen


I twirledmy phone in my hand.

Note to self. Don’t make promises to check in on a she-witch every day.

Guilt motivated me to press the green button. By the fifth ring, I began to relax. I’d get away with leaving a message, my good deed done.


There wasn’t an ounce of fight in that smoky voice. I sat up straight in my bed.

“What’s wrong?”

“What makes you think something’s wrong?”

“Why can’t you just answer the damn question?”

“Did you call to lecture me?”

“Do you live to torment me?”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
