Page 6 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“Is that what you call this?” I polished off my champagne, grabbed the bottle, and tipped some in my mouth before I passed it to Baker. “When’s the big day?”

She took a swig of her own. “Don’t know. He already got the marriage license.”

I captured her left hand. “Where’s the ring?”

Holt cut his eyes over to me. I got thethanks a lot, assholemessage loud and clear.

“It’s over on West 16th Street.” Baker held out the champagne to Holt.

“Am I missing something?”

“That’s where his new garage is,” Andrew volunteered. “He gave her that as a ring.”

“You knew about this?” Trish smacked him in the arm.

“Bright Side, I did the paperwork. You would’ve told her.” He motioned toward Baker, who nodded smugly.

“I hope we can come whenever you decide on a date,” Mrs. Quinn said. “Or at least let us have a reception.”

Marlow made a disgruntled noise, and I kicked her foot.


Blake got me every time with that. Sure, it was annoying after a few hours of the word on repeat, but it was still cute.

I stood and scooped him out of his carrier. “How.” I nuzzled his nose.

“He was fine where he was.” Marlow glared as I settled her son in my arms.

“Let’s take a poll. The final decision is mine and Baker’s, but we’ll take the input.” Holt slung an arm on the back of Baker’s chair.

Ella released a blood curdling scream. The rest of the restaurant went quiet, but we continued like nothing had happened.

“Does that mean she wants to participate or is against the idea?” I asked Trish.

She grinned. “Participate. Definitely participate.”

“Well, little lady. If your sister came to you for a job, would you give it to her?” Holt directed the question at Trish’s daughter.

“Is she like your sister?” I asked, rocking Blake. “The answer would be a resounding no.”

Mr. Dixon shifted in his seat, his attention on Marlow. “Are you trying to make peace or stir up trouble?”

“You know what? Forget it.” Her chair screeched across the floor as she stood. She held out her hands for Blake.

“Sit down,” I said. “They think I’m the one who has to be the center of attention, but it’s all you, Wicked.”

“Go to hell.”

“I went by your house, but you weren’t home.”

She gripped the back of her chair and glared at Holt. “If you didn’t want my help, you could’ve just said so.”

“Forgive me if I don’t trust you.”

“You’ve wreaked havoc for months and then you show up out of nowhere and do your version of nice. Which isn’t, by the way,” Baker said. “We’re starting a new business, a life together. One you’ve made clear you don’t approve of. Neither of us have room for negativity. So if that’s all you’ve got, you can keep it.”

What would it be like to have a woman like that? That had your back. Would tell your sister off if she was wrong. I’d never know, that was for sure.
