Page 96 of Defend Me (Free 3)

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“Then get the desk for your brother.”

“Talk to Dad for your brother.” He took a sip of coffee. “While you’re at it, talk to your brother for your brother.”

“Which one?”

“Both of them.”

I slumped in my seat. Sparring with Andrew had always been fun because I’d known that even though we argued, his love had been unconditional. But these days, I simply didn’t have the same energy to fight for that love. Was that because of Gummy or from being a single mom? “I’m tired of fighting.”

“Then apologize and let’s all move on.”

I pointed at him. “There you go again. I’m the only one who is supposed to say they’re sorry.”

“If you did, it would be a good start.”

“I didn’t invite her to your wedding. I didn’t tell her anything.”

“What about Holt’s?”

I leaned forward. “What are you talking about?”

“She was there.”


“How,” Blake repeated.

“You really didn’t see her?” Andrew asked, skeptical.

“I didn’t see much of anything, including the ceremony.”

“What happened to you?”


“If you’re going to keep lying, why are we here?” He pushed his cup away.

“I don’t want to talk about it, okay? It’s embarrassing enough as it is.”

He softened. “Are you talking to Patrick about it at least?”


He nodded, satisfied. “She was in the back row when we all ran out after you.”

“I haven’t talked to her since your wedding. We saw her the other night, but I swear I didn’t say a word.”

“All hell broke loose. Mrs. Quinn told her off.”

“She seems to be inserting herself in our family.” I folded my arms.

“Dad loves her. You should give her a chance.”

“So Mom and I ruined the wedding?”

“We went out to eat after and it was fine.” He waved it off.

“If you’re going to lie to me, then why are we here?”
