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“I think Garrison might’ve left some midnight snacks for you.” Even the mention of a treat didn’t stop the barking.

I tugged the leashes, unable to get them to move in the direction I wanted.

MaybeIneed to go to an obedience school.

“Sadie.” I hoped I could get her headed home and the others would follow.

I crouched down next to her and touched her head, but she kept barking. “What’s going on?”

She lunged around me, knocking me to my rear. The leashes were yanked from my hand, the rope burning my palm.

Something went over my head and a sickly sweet smell invaded my nose.

I swung my arms wildly, hoping I didn’t hit a dog but praying I’d nail whoever was around us.

A grunt sounded from behind me.

The barking was so loud I could barely hear my own thoughts. I tried to pull off whatever was over my head, but it tightened the harder I fought.

I have to get to the dogs.

“Run,” I screamed, but it sounded warbled. Distant.

Please don’t hurt them. Please don’t hurt them.

And then I was in the air.

I landed on a hard surface that didn’t feel like concrete. With everything I had, I kicked.

I struck something.

Pain radiated from my foot to my knee.

A door slammed.

The barks muffled.

And then everything went black.

* * *
