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She’d led me to them. I glanced behind me again and my gut sank. The fire was dangerously close. I wasn’t even sure I could retrace the same path I’d taken. If I could, there was a problem I’d never faced before.

I could only save one of them.

Chapter Forty-Three


“Second story window.Need the ladder now.”

I couldn't properly communicate. Everything in my mind had faded except figuring out how to get my family out of this building alive.

I waved my arm out the open window.

“Yo. I see you.” Burke pointed up.

Walsh navigated the ladder toward me.

Woof. Woof.

He’s not moving fast enough for me either.

In a normal situation, we removed the person in the worst shape first. In this one, it felt like having to pick a favorite.

Burke crawled up the ladder. I scooped Miss Adeline and carefully transferred her to his arms.

Crackle. Crash.

Fire consumed the doorway where I’d stood only a few moments ago. There was no other way out.

Hurry up, Burke.

The rug just inside Pepper’s bedroom ignited and fire raced in the direction of her bathroom.

“I’ve got you.” I lifted her lifeless body from the floor.

Her chest moved up and down, but it was slow and unsteady.

“Hang on for me.”

I wanted to take her down the ladder myself. I never wanted to let her go. But I placed her in Burke’s outstretched arms.

“Three dogs left.”

Crackle. Crash.

It was as if the fire was chasing us. Where the door to Pepper’s room had been seconds ago was now open space. Like tentacles, the flames licked closer and closer.

I couldn’t keep an eye on the fire and if Burke had gotten Pepper to safety.

“Come down, Hollingsworth,” Burke shouted through the comms. “The building is about to go.

“Not without the dogs.”

Sadie dropped to the floor beside the window.

No. No. No.

I will not let you die.
