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I shot out of the chair. “Will you two stay with them for a while?”

Lincoln put a hand on my shoulder when I was almost to the door. “Think this through.”

I spun. “Think what through? He kidnapped Pepper and did who knows what to her.”

All I saw was red. Anger pulsed through my veins like a living and breathing thing.

“If you go to him, what are you going to do?” Lincoln’s grip tightened. “This is what he wants from you. A reaction.”

Oh, I’d give him a reaction all right.

“She didn’t tell you it was him,” Beau said quietly.

“Are you defending him?” I asked incredulously.

“No.” Her answer was quick. Insulted. “I’m saying not to be rash.”

Lincoln and I stared at her. Who was this woman and what had she done with our sister? Rash was her middle name.

“When it comes to him, we have to think carefully,” she said, almost defensively.

Lincoln sighed. “She’s right.”

“If he kidnapped Pepper . . . if he did anything to her, there’s nothing to think about,” I said through gritted teeth.

“So what’s the grand plan? Are you going to abduct him?” Lincoln still hadn’t unclamped his hand from my shoulder.

“If I have to.” I lifted my chin.

“Consider Pepper and what’s best for her,” he argued reasonably.

“I am,” I shouted and immediately regretted when the pile of sleeping dogs all lifted their heads in unison. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

The pitter-patter of paws on the steps caused us all to look in that direction. Sadie trotted over, looked up, and proceeded to bark. And bark.

“It’s that time, huh?” I scratched behind her ears and followed her to the back.

Beau and Lincoln were right behind me.

“How does this work?” Lincoln shrugged off his suit coat and hung it on the rack of leashes.

I glanced at the empty kennels and then to the turned over bowls on a towel next to the sink.

I fed Sadie so we could communicate without shouting.

“Fill these with water and put them in each kennel,” I said, handing them a stack of bowls.

“Food’s in here, right?” Beau stood next to the refrigerator.

I nodded and grabbed the large container while she held open the door. I was so grateful she knew where things were. She might not live in the States but since she'd met Pepper, she'd basically commandeered best friend status.

Lincoln pointed to the glass container with his chin. “I thought dog food came in a bag?”

“Not this dog food,” Beau said haughtily. “Lexie is a genius. And a humanitarian. Or dogitarian.”

“I’m not even going to ask.” Lincoln continued filling bowls with water.

Sadie finished her breakfast, took a quick look to make sure I was doing everything correctly, and then scooted back upstairs. To be with Pepper.
