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“He wants a treat.”

He looked at me incredulously. “I don’t have any.”

I dug in my coat pocket and handed him one. Muffy jumped on Lincoln.

“Off.” His voice was authoritative. Unfortunately, Muffy didn’t understand . . . or pretended not to.

Lincoln kept the treat secured behind his back. Muffy put all four paws back on the ground, waited a second, then circled my brother. He nudged Lincoln’s fist.

Beau and I took the scene in, trying not to laugh.

“He did what he was supposed to do,” I said.

Muffy pawed at his hand, growing impatient. Lincoln snapped and pointed to a spot in front of him.

Muffy sat.

Lincoln gave him the treat.

Muffy pawed him for another.

“Demanding, aren’t we?” He adjusted the leash.

I put my fist against my mouth to keep from laughing. Lincoln wasn’t amused.

Muffy headed back toward Grey Paws.

Beau grinned gleefully. “You two are a perfect match.”

As busy people, we rarely had time together like this as siblings working together, and despite the stressful circumstances, I was truly thankful for this moment with them.

Chapter Seven


The bed dipped.

A gentle hand brushed my hair back.

A wet tongue licked my cheek.

I pried my eyes open.

Miss Adeline sat on the edge of the bed, looking tired. Sunlight streamed into my room, bright and cheery as if last night hadn’t happened.

“What time is it?” I stretched and yawned. Everything felt heavy. I wanted to go back to sleep. Back to yesterday morning when life looked promising and nothing seemed impossible.

“A little after ten.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. I’d only been asleep a few hours, but it was a luxury I couldn’t afford any longer. There was too much to do . . . including to check on our dogs at the Elliotts’.

“They’re fine.” Miss Adeline touched my face. “I just spoke to Vivian. And Daniel.”

What she didn’t say was that she’d filled them in on what had happened. She didn’t have to. It was in her posture.

My body relaxed and seized at once. We’d always solved our problems with little outside help. I couldn’t get used to others chipping in when I fell short. I was grateful and still uneasy about that.

And I wanted our dogs back under one roof.
