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“You should’ve called me,” he hissed.

“You’ve already done enough.” I lightly punched his shoulder. “Thanks for staying up all night with me.”

He scowled. “You never have to thank me for anything.”

My brother was a fraction of an inch taller than I was, but it might as well have been a head the way he looked down. Even I could admit he was intimidating.

“There’s no talking me out of this.” I shouldered around him.

He caught me by the arm. “Whatever you’re about to do, there’s no going back.”

Everything inside of me sank. I’d managed to avoid this my entire adult life. My instincts screamed at me to find another way. I’d debated between getting it over with and waiting until the last second. Eventually, I’d split the difference when I couldn’t come up with another solution.

“We’re already past the point of no return.”

My brother’s hard look couldn’t convince me to abort my mission.

“I’m assuming you didn’t discuss this with Beau either.”

I shook my head. “I hope if I leave both of you out of it, I’ll take the brunt of the punishment.”

Lincoln dug his fingers into my arm. “How many times do I have to tell you?”

“It doesn’t work that way,” I finished for him, knowing full well how he was going to end that thought.

“Don’t give up your career. Not everyone has the luxury of doing something they love.”

I tilted my head. What would Lincoln choose for himself if he could? As awful as it must be working for our father, I couldn’t imagine him doing anything else. He’d never once mentioned a dream, even when we were kids.

Had I taken that option away from him?

He’d sacrificed all these years for me. It was time to return the favor.

“Take Me Home” by Cher blared from the pocket of my jeans. I hurried to silence it.

Burke’s name flashed across the screen. I guessed he’d somehow gotten in one last ringtone change. All these years, and I still had no idea how he did it.

I’ll have to call you back later, dude.

Lincoln glanced around and seemed relieved we hadn’t attracted any attention. It was almost five. The office was mostly deserted. I was surprised my father allowed anyone to leave.

I pointed at him. “Don’t even think about taking over ringtone duty.” I had to do something to lighten the somber mood. Hearing my phone ring was like a gut punch reminder that everything was changing.


“I wouldn’t dare.” Lincoln released me, a sign of acceptance. It wasn’t the support I’d hoped for, but if I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t support me either.

“I better get this over with.”

“Stop by my office before you leave.” He motioned behind him. “It’s at the end of that hallway.”

I nodded once. My steps were heavy as I trudged in a direction I didn’t want to go.

This is for Pepper. And hopefully for Lincoln and Beau.

Would my father always win? Would this be enough?

Something I could stand to learn from him was patience. He’d been waiting a long time for this day. One I swore would never come.
