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“With your generosity,” Miss Adeline finally said.

“But you hate the idea.” Vivian frowned.

“No,” I said quickly. “This is a lot to consider. And to be honest, we barely have time to think.”

How tired I was hit me out of nowhere. But it didn’t matter how I felt. These dogs needed me.

“You were planning to go over this afternoon to check on the dogs. Why don’t you take a look at the space?”

My brows furrowed. Miss Adeline had built this home and this dream with the love of her life. She’d never talked of expanding. There was something in her tone I didn’t like.

Daniel and Vivian were kind enough to make the offer. They’d obviously put a lot of thought into the idea.

“I’d love to. Can you hold things together for a little while until I get back?” I tilted my head.

Miss Adeline wrinkled her nose. “I’ve been holding this place together since it started.”

She most definitely had.

“Are you free now?” I looked at Daniel and Vivian.

“Sure.” Vivian clapped her hands happily. “Want to take these guys to see their friends?”

Sadie eyed me from where she was pretending to sleep on the floor with adon’t make me movelook.

“Maybe another time.”

As if she could understand human speak, Sadie closed her eyes again, able to relax.

“Unless you want to come too?” I asked.

Miss Adeline was crucial to every element of this rescue. She should be part of any potential expansion. She’d see things in the new space that I couldn’t.

Sadie glared at me. It was impossible but I swore she did.

“Nah. That means I’d have to go out in the cold.”

I studied her for a second to make sure she was okay with staying behind. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel left out. “We can video chat when we get there.”

She nodded.

Vivian grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door. “We’ve already donated the exercise equipment. That room is so huge. But it has mirrors. Will the dogs be okay with that?”

I struggled to keep up as she spoke in rapid-fire, but I appreciated her enthusiasm.

“Oh, and I hope you’re okay with taking the subway,” she said.

My brain ping-ponged as she went from one subject to another.

“Give her a minute to get it all out before you answer,” Daniel said affectionately.

She punched him in the arm. “Don’t worry. We’ll behave on the tour . . . maybe.”

Somehow I doubted they would.

Chapter Twenty-Two

