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Sadie stopped to smell the end of my finger.

“She likes peanut butter and jelly,” Pepper said with a hint of affectionate annoyance. “And I meant about the lawyers. What do you think of them?”

We’d come straight back to Grey Paws after our meeting and immediately began the routine of walking dogs. I hadn’t really given Zegas and Whitley much thought.

“They’re an odd couple, but each have their own strengths,” I said carefully.

“One of them has never lost.”

“That doesn’t necessarily mean anything when it comes to my case.” Going up against the city of New York wasn’t an easy thing. And really, when it came to any case, the previous records could be tossed out.

“He’s proven. That’s something. And I liked him. Both of them, actually.” She tilted her head to the side as if that puzzled her.

“I did too.” I adjusted the leash. “They seem undaunted to go head-to-head with the city.”

“They were excited about it.” Pepper tossed Muffy a treat after he did his business.

“They were.”

Sadie nudged Pepper’s hand.

“You haven’t gone yet.”

Ash squatted on a patch of grass and wagged her tail at Pepper, who promptly fed her a biscuit. Sadie stamped her feet impatiently.

“You know what you have to do,” Pepper said.

Sadie pawed her pocket.

“That’s not it.”

Sadie pawed again.

I snickered.

“Don’t encourage her.” Pepper’s warning look sent a chill through me.

“Sorry,” I said, straightening up immediately.

Pepper grinned.

Sadie pawed so hard, she ripped the pocket of Pepper’s overalls. The baggie of treats fell onto the sidewalk and Sadie gobbled them down in one swallow. She looked at Pepper as if to say “I win.”

“Sadie.” Pepper picked up the trash and deposited it in a nearby garbage bin. “How am I supposed to get mad at her?” She looked at her torn pocket. “She’s creative and persistent.”

“That she is.” I petted the mischievous girl’s head. “She is something else.”

“Let’s head back so I can patch this up.” The fabric dangled, exposing a peek of her thigh I tried not to notice.

We meandered toward the rescue.

“What did you think about Zegas’s theory? About your aunt hiring an attorney. Especially since there’s no will.”

When Zegas had proposed the question, Pepper seemed like she’d been hit over the head with a two by four. Itwasa great question. One none of us had considered because we were too absorbed by the shock of the news.

“It’s interesting. But if she didn’t contact him and my parents didn’t, then who did?” She implored me for answers with her eyes. “Who would want to load me up with all of their debt? Who benefits if I take on that debt? Miss Adeline is the only person I have consistent contact with.”

I stopped. “You don’t think she did it?”
