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I hated all I did lately was give in to him. How he must love having me fall in line.

This is for Pepper.

The reminder kept me from saying something smart.

“Don’t play games, son.”

I balled my fist. He didn’t deserve to use that term with me. If he thought I’d call him Dad to his face, he had another thing coming.

“I’m not the one speaking in riddles.” I yanked on my tie, unknotting it completely.

He glowered, and I got some small satisfaction from annoying him.

“You have no chance of winning a lawsuit against the city of New York.”

How did he know I’d met with Zegas and Whitley? I’d barely had a chance to tell Lincoln, who I confided in about everything, and Ihadn’ttalked to Beau yet.

His scowl turned into a smirk. I’d let my thoughts translate to my expression apparently. Another point for him.

“Your place is with this company. You will not disgrace the Hollingsworth name with a frivolous case.”

So this was about him and his precious name.

Too bad for him I didn’t give a damn about it.

“I’m here working for you just like you wanted. The rest of my life is off-limits.” I folded my arms.

“Not when it affects your family.”

“Beau and Lincoln support me no matter what I do.” I hoped to make it clear he was not part of my family.

“It would be a shame—”

“Save your threats.” I was tired of them. I’d told Lincoln I’d try to keep my cool, but I was failing. Our father was under my skin and sending my simmering blood to the boiling point. “I’ve done everything you asked. We made a deal. I’m holding up my end. Are you going to be a man of your word?”

I already knew the answer. I’d known when I agreed to work for him. He kept moving the goalpost and would continue to because he’d never be satisfied.

Would I continue to allow him to?

I’d have to until I outsmarted him. As shameful as it was to admit, I hadn’t yet.

“Don’t test me. It won’t end well for those mutts.”

It took every bit of strength I had not to fly across the room and throttle him. A reaction. That was what he wanted. If I reacted, he had every excuse he needed to do whatever he wanted. Was anything stopping him now?

Hell, no.

As we stared at one another, I realized I’d made a drastic mistake.

I never ever should’ve given in to him.

He was the puppet master and held all the strings. When he tugged, I danced.

When the truth hit me square between the eyes, I wasn’t sure who I hated more.

Myself. Or him.

Chapter Twenty-Eight
