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“Heart attack. No foul play.” He sounded disappointed.

I wasn’t sure how the news made me feel. “Did Cassano have any underlying conditions we didn’t know about?”

“Not sure.”

“Any news on the other bodies?” Sometimes the tests could take time, which was frustrating when we wanted immediate answers.

“No.” His shoulders slumped. “I asked Ellen to send over the report, but she hasn’t yet. I just know there’s a connection.”

He’d circled back to Cassano. I got why he was so desperate to tangle all the fires and deaths together. That was easier to understand than the simple fact that bad things happened. We were used to seeing that every single day, though that didn’t make it any easier to accept.

“We might never know.” At least we had some answers when it came to Cassano. He was still dead, so I wasn’t sure why it mattered.

“I talked to my friend at the lab. He’s stalling, but I want to see the reports for myself.”

“You ever think about moving over to the investigation unit?”

Burke was like a dog with a bone when it came to some cases. He wouldn’t let it go until he had answers.

“Nah. They need my muscle on the front line.” He flexed and pretended to polish his bicep.

“Get outta here.” I shoved his hand away from his muscle.

“Jealous much?” He laughed his deep throaty laugh.

I shrugged. “A little.”


He fished in his jeans pocket and retrieved his phone. “That’s my friend.”

“The lab guy?” I peered over, trying to read the text.

“Girl,” he corrected absently. “She wants me to meet up with her.”

I furrowed my brow. “Like a date?”

He turned scarlet. “Hell, no. Like to talk about something she doesn’t want to discuss over a text.”

“Tell her to come by here.” I wasn’t ready for him to take off yet, though his shift probably started soon.

He pecked out a text and got an instant response. “She said she’ll be here in twenty.”

“Let’s go grab some lunch from the deli.” I jumped off the desk. “Miss Adeline, what do you want from the deli?”

“When are you going to start showing off these supposed cooking skills?” she yelled back.

I cupped my hands around my mouth. “I’ll pick for you.”

She appeared in the doorway. “No way. I want the sandwich with the caramelized onions. Tell them it’s for me and they’ll know.”

“A little thing like you needs more than that,” Burke said with a cheeky grin.

“I’ll take a frosted cookie.” She glanced behind her. “But don’t tell Pepper or I’ll get in trouble.”

“Yo. Where is she?”

I hoped her long absence meant things were going well at Paths of Purpose. “She had a meeting.”
