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For twelve years I’d had a home. Could I pack up the dogs and Miss Adeline and find somewhere to start over?

I kicked at the pole.

Why should we be the ones to give up everything?

We’d worked hard to build the happy life we had. And we were happy.

Of course we could have that anywhere. But we had it here.

I just wasn’t sure how to keep it.

I pushed forward with determined steps.

The last time I’d run, it had been easy. I’d been embarrassed, humiliated, ashamed, and it wasn’t hard to hide from that. In fact, disappearing had been easy, but cowardly.

Leaving everything hadn’t mattered because I’d had nothing left.

Now, there was so much to lose.

And what guarantee did we have that Teague’s father would keep his end of the deal?


What would be the next hoop to jump through? Not that I’d dealt with anyone like that man, but for people like him, there was never enough. We’d just keep giving and giving until there was nothing left.

“We need a miracle.” I spoke softly to the sky, hoping someone or something would hear me.

I’d been saved before by Miss Adeline. Was I out of favors? Or did I have another hand to play?

A dull throb pulsed between my temples. Whatever they’d given me to knock me out had almost completely worn off. I had no idea if I’d been gone for hours or days.

But I needed to be home.

To see Miss Adeline.

The dogs.


Guilt that he was in this horrible position washed over me. Why wouldn’t his father just let him live his life?

Up ahead, a staircase leading down to the underbelly of the city appeared. I quickened my steps in hope.

The subway.

I jogged down the steps. The station was deserted, so I hopped over the turnstile and promised myself I’d pay back the fare later.

I boltedfrom the Eighteenth Street station. The sky was still pitch black save a few clouds and stars.

Relief coursed through me at being back in a familiar space.

I raced down the sidewalk as fast as my feet would carry me.

Almost there. Almost. There.

I rounded the corner and flew toward safety. Toward home.

As I grew closer, I noticed that all the lights were on. A figure moved inside.
