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“In case you’ve forgotten, you’re employed by me.” He stalked toward me. “Nota firefighter.”

“One doesn’t have to be a first responder to do the decent thing.” Ugh. What little I’d been around him, he’d already rubbed off on me. I was speaking like him.

“Only a fool would’ve rushed into the blaze for a useless old woman. She’ll probably die anyway.”

I stiffened. Was he a prophet or would he make certain she died?

“She has a child she’s responsible for,” I said through my teeth.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

I tilted my head. He’d changed the subject like a champ.

My throat closed. I had no idea how to answer. Why was I here?

“I’ve already met yourgirlfriend.” He spoke the word with disgust, like it was insignificant. Like Pepper meant nothing. “I don’t need to see her again. You’ll come to your senses soon about that too.”

“By senses do you mean your way?” Pepper asked as she stepped out from behind me.

I resisted blocking her again. She didn’t need me to protect her.

I wanted to. Especially from him.

“She’s smarter than I gave credit for.” He spoke as if she hardly existed.

“Answer the question. Why. Were. You. At. The. Fire?”

He smirked. “I was in the neighborhood.”


“I don’t believe you.”

“Son, a good businessman keeps eyes on his assets.” His gaze narrowed on me.

“And what about good fathers? What do they do?” Pepper’s sharp tongue had come out to play.

I was so damn proud of her for saying the things I hardly had the courage to say.

He spared her a glance. “You wouldn’t know.”

She squared her shoulders. “You’re right. I wouldn’t. But you should.”

“Most of my children are a reflection of me.”

What a lie. None of us were like him. None. Of. Us.

If he believed little digs could affect me, he was wrong. Knowing he was disappointed in me was a compliment.

“Not that I’ve seen.”

“Little girl, you must be aware that your world exists because I allow it.”

Pepper and I paused. Was it really that simple? And if that were true now, her association with me had destroyed her independence. I wasn’t sure I could live with that.

But I couldn’t leave her alone.

“You aren’t God.” There was no reason to bother telling him not to insult Pepper. That would only make it worse.
