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“Teague’s father had a heart attack.”

She straightened. “Go. I’ll see about these hooligans.”

I kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”

“Aren’t you proud of me? I didn’t say something inappropriate,” she whispered.

“Guess an old dog can learn new tricks.” I hugged her.

She patted Teague’s arm. “Let me know if you need anything.”

He kissed her cheek too, and she squeezed him back.

Ash trotted to the front door right behind us. Before he opened it, he squatted and stoked her head. “We’ll be back soon.”

Beau rushedtoward us when we found them at the hospital. She flung herself into Teague. He caught her and wrapped her in a bear hug.

“I hate hospitals,” she muttered against him.

I agreed. Strangely enough, this was the first time I’d ever been in one. Fortunately, neither I nor anyone I was related to had ever had cause to go. I’d never had grandparents who might’ve needed a trip. And Miss Adeline was up in age, but she was healthy. All her doctor appointments were in an off-site office.

I’d seen them on TV, but this one was brighter white. Everything was white except for the specks in the vinyl floor and the few pictures dotted along the walls. It smelled weird even though it was spotlessly clean.

Beau released Teague, hugged me, and led us over to Lincoln, who was on the phone speaking in a hushed tone. He wore the same expression as always. Stoic stone.

He flicked his chin in acknowledgement.

“Winston found him lying on the stairs. He’s critical,” Beau said quietly.

She sounded almost detached. Not unfeeling, but not with the emotion one might normally have if their father was in serious condition. Although, I had no experience with what that was supposed to feel like either.

If it were Miss Adeline, I’d be a mess.

They were all . . . neutral.

“You didn’t have to come,” Lincoln said as soon as he ended his call.

“I’m here for you two.” Teague’s response was stiff.

I linked my fingers in his in silent support. This had to be hard on him. Coupled with the events of the past few weeks, it was just icing on the worst cake ever.

He hadn’t said a word on the drive over. I’d let him have the space to sort out whatever was going through his mind.

His father had kidnapped me. He might have had something to do with murdering my—they weren’t really my family—aunt and parents.

Yet I couldn’t find it in me to wish Samuel Hollingsworth ill will.

Strangely, I felt detached from all that had happened. Fear had dominated me for weeks. Not for the things that had occurred but for the things to come.

I hadn’t let myself think about the horrors as if I had some sort of mental shield in place protecting me.

Was that how it was for these three?

“Why are we here?” Beau muttered, catching me by surprise. It was hard to figure out exactly how she and Lincoln felt about their father.

I never sensed they liked him particularly, but it wasn’t the same as Teague, who clearly despised him.

Their father was like a wound they’d all learned to live with.
