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He released me and loosened his tie. I loved that sight.

I threw decorative pillows off the bed to the floor, hesitating as he shrugged off his coat. “Which side do you sleep on?” If this show was going to continue, I needed to sit down.

“That one.” He motioned to the windows. Of course. The side with the view.

I quickly brushed my teeth before I turned down the covers and crawled underneath. The thick sheets had that freshly laundered feel and smelled of something crisp and clean.

He disappeared into the closet and emerged a moment later with his socks and shoes now gone too and his white shirt hanging open.


“For an old guy, you’re ripped.”

He scowled. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

I grinned. “Most definitely.”

“I’m not that old,” he grumbled, detouring by the bed to kiss the side of my head.

Note to self: he’s prickly about his age.

He vanished once more, and from the other room I heard the shower.

Do not think about him naked. Do not think about him naked.

How was I not supposed to? He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen, inside and out. I was in his bed.

Gah. I’m. In. His. Bed.

The teenager in me that had never grown up began a minor freak-out. This was all so domesticated. So—I wouldn’t think the word.


Too late.

Lexie, you are ridiculous.

I glanced down at my sweatshirt, which only solidified my observation. I was too hot. Too amped up. Too much of everything.

I peeled off the sweatshirt, leaving me in a thin tank top.

Breathe. In and out.

I got in a bed every night. And slept most of them. This was just a different bed and instead of a pillow beside me, Lincoln would be there.

I didn’t know the proper procedure for this.

Since when are you worried about procedure?

I was in a hospital unconscious yesterday at this time. Now, I faced the prospect of snuggling with Lincoln for an entire night. And I was fully awake to enjoy it.

“Do I even want to know what you’re thinking?”

I slapped my hand over my heart. “You’re like a panther. How long have you been standing there?”

He leaned in the doorway to the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His dark hair was damp and his body glistened from the shower.

“Long enough.”
