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“Doyou take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

Neither of us looked at one another.

“I do.”

There was no emotion. Certainly no love. Just a flat monotone statement. I felt guilty—desperate—and he no doubt felt a mixture of anger and confusion. And yet, he was here. With me.

The officiant turned to me. “Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

This shouldn’t be my life. I should not be forced to do this . . .

The man had broken my heart and it had never properly healed.

“I . . .” The worddon’tpassed quietly past my lips.

Surprise registered on his face, which morphed into anger.

“Are you playing with me, Beau?”

Shit. Shit. Shit. I couldn’t do it.

But the alternative was unbearable.

“If we skip the rest, is it still legal?” My hands burned where they were connected to his massive ones. I couldn’t stand it much longer.

The minister cleared his throat. “Well, no, I need . . . um, consent . . . to legalize the marriage. For you, Beau, to consent to this union. So, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

I hated that was what my life had become. “Um, fine. Yes, I do.”

“Okay. I can now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Heleaned forward.

I yanked my hands out of his and placed them on his chest. “Don’t even think about it.”

Chapter One


“I have no interest in marriage.”

“Then I sincerely hope you find some quickly.” He leaned forward. “These nuptials are happening. You’ll behave accordingly.”

I liked—no, I loved—London. It had become my home. But my father’s constant pressure to marry the man of his choosing had driven me to another country. Or at least it had forced me to stay there. But right now, I was arguing this ridiculous notion with a man I equally loved and loathed. No, that wasn’t right. Today, I loathed him much more than loved.

“We aren’t living in medieval times, Father. Arranged marriages died a few years ago.” I pushed to my feet, finished with this conversation. . . again. “I have a closing to attend.”

“The situation is of your own making. I gave you the chance to choose and you squandered it.”

If there was one thing intolerable to Samuel Hollingsworth, it was arguing with him. I didn’t do it often, but this was taking his power too far.

“Selecting a husband off a list of approved candidates isn’t a choice.”

His eyes glittered with something sinister at my defiance.

“Sit down. Alex Davenport and his family are here and delighted to get acquainted with you.”
