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“This is my daughter, Beau.” Father slipped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed.

I pasted on the same fake smile he wore. It was automatic after years of etiquette ingrained into my head.

I’m the prized cattle on display for purchase.

Mr. and Mrs. Davenport shook my hand with pleasant hellos.

Mr. Davenport gestured toward the younger man. “This is our son, Alex.”

Alex stepped forward. “Beau. You’re even lovelier than your father described.” He kissed my cheek.

I stiffened, fighting down the bile threatening to surface.

“Hello, Alex.”

Discreetly, Father pinched my shoulder.Was my greeting not polite enough?I’d have been more than happy to knee Alex in the crotch or shove my heel into his foot.

“We are thrilled about this alliance.” Mrs. Davenport put her hands together in a soft clap.

“As am I,” Alex said darkly.

If he thought he would get any closer to me than he was right now, he was sorely mistaken.

Play the game, Beau. Be smart.

I’d already lashed out to my father. He wasn’t pleased. And if I wanted to get out of this mess, I needed to box up all my anger and use it when it was most advantageous.

Now wasn’t that time.

“This union is such a natural fit. You and Alex are perfectly suited,” Mr. Davenport said.

Because you want access to the power of Hollingsworth Properties.

Although I hadn’t met them before, I was familiar with the Davenport family. They had their own successful contracting company, completing some of the most prestigious building projects around the globe.

But those with money always craved more. Their status was just shy of the Hollingsworth name.What had they paid my father for the privilege of this alliance? How much was I being sold for?

Because it most certainly came with a cost.

“They’ll accomplish great things for our families.”

I hadn’t considered Alex was just a pawn in the game too. Though the way his gaze raked down my body, I had the impression it wasn’t a hardship.

“Come. Sit. I believe this joyous occasion calls for champagne.” Father ushered the Davenports to the sitting area of his cavernous office.

Alex gripped my elbow, holding me back. His gaze was greedy and triumphant. “In three weeks, you will belong to me.”

I met his eyes but said nothing.

I didn’t belong to anyone. Not him. Not my father.

Not to anyone but me.

And that would never change.

Chapter Two

