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“Good thing, ’cause I ain’t entertaining no little girls.”

I swallowed hard, unable to take my eyes off him. His throat worked as he downed a swig of beer.

He smirked when he caught me staring. “Baby sister got a name?”

“Beau.” It came out breathless and a little bit needy with none of the power I usually used behind the word.

Great. I was a fawning teenage girl instead of college-educated woman. A little girl. Just like he’d insinuated. And he knew exactly the effect he had on me. It was in that smug expression.

“Garrett Calhoun.” His dark eyes blazed into mine. “Everybody calls me Cal.”

“I’m noteverybody.”

“You certainly ain’t.”

I snatchedmy hand away and bolted from the sofa, singed by thoughts of the first time we’d met. He was still rugged, aloof, and dangerous. And I was still a little girl wowed by his spectacular presence.

You’re a fool, Beau.

It didn’t matter how many years of experience I’d gained. I hadn’t mastered my emotions or anything when it came to Garrett Calhoun.

And he’d just proved how not in control I was.

Chapter Twelve


“If you wanna bestubborn and hurt tomorrow, that’s on you.”

I stood, towering over her since she was in bare feet.

“It already hurts.” She snapped her mouth closed as if she hadn’t wanted to admit that.

I snatched the ice bag off the couch and put it back on her hand. “We should have it X-rayed.”

We. Not we.She. She should have it X-rayed.

I should get the hell out of here before I start blathering about how beautiful she is or about this mess with Joe or all of the things we had no business discussing.

Action. That was what we were about. And I couldn’t take any when she was injured.

My rage ramped to a boil. She hadn’t slammed her hand into anything. And when I found out who did this, whether it was her daddy or the president of the United States, they wouldn’t ever touch Beau or any other woman again.

Stay out of it, Cal.

I was already in it.

“I’m. Fine.”

“That nasty looking bruise says otherwise.”

“Why did I text you?” She threw up the arm I wasn’t currently holding in place.

“Because you wanted me to make you scream.”

“In pleasure,” she said through her teeth. “Not anger.”

“I’m an ass, but if you think I’m going to risk injuring you further just so you can have an orgasm, you got another thing coming.”
