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“We havedinner with the Davenports tomorrow at seven.”

It was the parting shot on this hellacious day. I’d been measured and poked and prodded. Normally, I would’ve enjoyed shopping for beautiful clothes, but this had been torture.

Father had selected a dress that was stunning, but I hated.

The home search had extended into tomorrow.

And I had a pile of messages to return from the office in London. I’d never been away for this extended period of time. I had a team that was more than capable, but without me there, there were little fires everywhere. A new property in an area we'd had our eyes on had come up for sale and we needed to move now. A clerical error at the bank caused funds to be delayed on a closing. And a couple I’d allowed to continue working for us despite it going against company policy had fought in the lobby and cost us a relationship with a potential new development partner.

Like Lincoln, my favorite aspect of our business was the property hunt. But being at the helm of our European division meant somehow everything landed on my desk. I was referee, CEO, advisor, therapist, problem-solver . . . and I wouldn't change any of it.

“You and I had plans for the art gallery opening.” I pretended to protest. Neither event sounded like a good time.

“And we’ll attend afterward. It will be good for you to be seen with Alex. To get people warm to the idea of you as a couple.”

He meant formeto get used to it.

I might not even have to fake an illness to get out of it because I suddenly wasn’t feeling well.

“Thank you for the dress. It’s lovely.”

I’d kept up the charade of adoring daughter the entire day, and I was exhausted from it.

“You’ll be beautiful when I walk you down the aisle.”

My hand froze on my purse strap.Noooo. No, I didn't want that at all. I hadn’t thought that far ahead, but everything rebelled in me at that idea. Not just because I didn’t want to marry Alex.IfI ever did find someone I wanted to take that leap with, it wasn’t my father I pictured at my side.

Lincoln and Teague were.

The car door opened. I gave my father a tight smile as I got out.

“Beau?” Had he not already had the last word? “I trust you won’t be looking at transient properties again in the middle of the night.”

I didn’t reply.

He didn’t want one anyway. He’d made his point.

The apartment wasquiet when I stepped inside.

I loved my family and wasn’t much for silence, but I was grateful for the moment alone, no matter how short-lived it might be.

I ran a bath while I undressed. Steam filled the bathroom, and I drew in a deep, calming breath.

You will figure this out.

And I would. I just needed a minute of peace.

My phone buzzed. I was tempted to ignore it but couldn’t resist reading the notification on the screen.

Be home late. We stopped by the dog shelter. Lincoln went insane. Don’t ask. At the kitchen now to make a double batch of food for tomorrow.

I didn’t want to know what Lexie meant by “Lincoln went insane.”

Do I need to come by?

Please say no. Please say no.It was wrong to think that. If my friend needed me, I’d be there.
