Page 71 of Judgment

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But now I don’t have an option. It was going to be difficult enough to make Frederick think I cut her loose after what happened at Platinum last night.

Now it would be impossible.

I take Paisley’s hand in mine and start to move toward the elevator, but she drags her feet. “Where are we going?” She pulls on my arm. “I was serious. I’m actually starving.” When I stop she glances to where the guards are posted, then steps closer, lowering her voice. “And I thought you wanted people to see us?”

“Is this your way of telling me you agree to my terms?” Getting my way should be the part of this that pleases me most.

I like to win. Learned long ago that if you don’t win then you lose. There’s no second place. No participation trophy in life.

But right now the only thing I can focus on is the fact that soon Paisley will be with me all the time. Soon she will be in my home.

In my bed.

Paisley pushes up on her toes and leans into my ear. “I agree to your terms if you agree to give me half the money up front.”

The fact that she still isn’t completely giving in to me lifts the corners of my mouth. “I said I don’t negotiate.”

She gives me a little shrug. “That’s the deal. Take it or leave it.”

I reach out to run my fingers through the soft curls she’s spun into her hair. “If I give you half the money now I might decide to change my expectations of how we spend our time together.”

I know I don’t have to convince Paisley when it comes to what I already possess, but I want to feel like I’m getting something more out of this now that she is asking for more.

Her blue eyes hold mine, chin lifting as she stares me down. “I don’t know what more you want.” Her cheeks barely flush in that way I’m beginning to crave. “I already agreed to give you everything.”

I pull her against me, palming her ass as I press her belly against the hard line of my cock. “I don’t leave anything on the table, Duchess. I always take everything that belongs to me.”

Paisley’s lips barely part and her lids droop. “You keep saying that, but so far you haven’t taken a thing.”

“That sounds like a dare.”

“I wouldn’t be stupid enough to dare a man like you, Andre.” She leans into me, her lips so close I can feel the warmth of her breath. “Especially before you feed me.”

I almost try to hide my smile but remember it will only help my cause. “So demanding.” I keep her body pinned to mine, shifting her to the side as I turn to Victor. “Have Sal bring the car back around.”

If Victor’s surprised by my request he doesn’t show it. “He’s already on his way.”

“Perfect.” I shuck my coat and drape it around Paisley’s shoulders before taking her hand in mine and pulling her toward the doors, shooting my second in command one more request over my shoulder. “Call Palermo’s and tell them I’m on my way.”

* * *

PAISLEY ROCKS BACKin her seat, letting out a satisfied huff. “I can’t eat any more.”

“I’m disappointed in how little fits inside you, Duchess.” I swipe one finger through the whipped cream topping the tiramisu I convinced her to order for dessert. “I expected more.” I hold the finger in front of her lips and she barely hesitates, glancing from side to side before opening her mouth for me.

“Good girl.” I nearly groan when her tongue slides along my skin. “Next time don’t make me wait.” I slide my finger free, watching as she licks her lower lip before once again glancing at the tables around us, her head dipping at their stares.

Her eyes drop to the plate in front of her and her shoulders droop.

I shoot the staring couple next to us a glare and they immediately look away. “People are supposed to watch us, Paisley. That’s the whole point of this.”

“I know.” She takes a breath and sits a little taller. “It’s just hard.”

I reach across the table to stroke along the back of her hand, tracing the lines of the delicate bones of her knuckles. “What’s hard about it?”

“It’s not the looking that bothers me.” She peeks at the couple under her lashes. “It’s what I know they’re thinking.”

“And what is it you believe they’re thinking?” I know exactly what’s on the man’s mind. He’s trying to figure out how to convince the woman across the table to look at him the way Paisley looks at me.
