Page 9 of Save Me

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I knew why.

Because I was tired. I was tired of shit head ex boyfriends who fucked up my life. I was tired of criminals that were forcing me into a profession I hated. I was tired of strangers eye fucking me and trying to put their hands on me.

Most of all though, I was tired of being alone.

Elijah seemed like a nice guy and the sex was definitely hot. If he could get me out of that hell hole, it might be worth it.

I was so tired after our sexcapades that I fell asleep hard in that big soft bed. I woke up briefly when Elijah finally joined me, wrapping his naked body around mine. His erection pressed against my back and I thought he might try to get laid again, but I soon heard his breathing in my ear and drifted back to sleep.

I had no idea how long I was asleep when I felt a pair of lips on my neck. They were nibbling and sucking and felt so incredibly good. I opened my eyes and had to think for a minute as to where I was. A hand snaked across my front, the fingers pinching my nipple. Then I remembered I was in a swanky hotel suite with Elijah, one of the customers from the club last night.

For a split second, I was horrified and couldn’t believe where I was. Then his fingers brushed my swollen clit and I had flashbacks of the amazing sex we’d had the night before.

“Are you ready to leave for Chicago today?” His lips brushed against my ear.

“I have some things I would have to take care of,” I panted, trying not to think about the fingers that were circling my sensitive flesh.

“It’s all taken care of. Unless you have a cat or something you need to deal with, we can leave from here. I’ll buy you all new clothes when we get there.”

“How very ‘Pretty Woman’ of you,” I teased, my breath quickening. Damn, did this guy have a way with his fingers.

He chuckled. “I’ve always wanted to do it on a piano. I’ll have to buy one first though.”

He lifted my leg and slid his hard cock inside me, his fingers still working me. He continued his assault on my neck with his lips and tongue. “Come for me. Come all over my cock.”

I wasn’t used to dirty talk during sex and I had to admit, I loved when he said nasty things in my ear for only me to hear. My bought my arm up and around his neck while he thrust in and out of me hard. He caught my ear lobe in his teeth and I arched back into him, crying out with my release.

He clutched my hips and thrust a couple more times before holding me tight against him, his climax ripping through him.

When he caught his breath, he kissed my shoulder and unwrapped himself from around me. “I could get used to waking up like that every day. Sex and coffee - it doesn’t get much better than that.”

I rolled over and laughed. My life had already gone down a path I never expected, so I might as well embrace this one.

“What time do we leave?”

Elijah shrugged. “I need to be back for a meeting tomorrow afternoon, so we can hang out here today.” His hungry gaze moved over me. “I could feast on you right here in this room until it’s time to leave. I have a private plane at the airport.”

For the first time in a long time, I was with a man that made me feel sexy and not cheap. I lay next to him naked without shame, letting his hands roam all over me. I was afraid a day in bed with him would result in me not being able to walk out of here the next day.

“A private plane, huh?” I was definitely impressed. “What do you do for a living?”

He sat up in bed and pulled me to him until I was seated between his legs, my back against his chest. He played with my breasts as he talked, cupping and gently squeezing them, rolling the nipples with his thumb and forefinger.

“I own a tech company. It’s boring really. I’ve been fortunate that it’s made me a lot of money in a short amount of time, but I had to work my ass off for it. I have to tell you something, Charlotte. I don’t think you remember me, but we went to high school. Elijah.”

I gasped and my mind raced, suddenly remembering him. “Oh my god!” I paused and buried her face in her hands. “I’m so sorry for the way I treated you.”

Elijah pulled me closer. “I have a confession. I searched for you and I was going to get my revenge somehow on you, but seeing you up on that stage, I fell in love with you again, Charlotte. I love you.”

I threw my arms around his neck. “I love you too! I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I promise.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” He grinned and tackled me on the bed.

We spent the rest of the day in bed, talking, eating, and fucking. We never left the room, having room service bring us food and drinks whenever we wanted. He let me take a long, luxurious bubble bath. All in all, it was an amazing day.

We fell asleep early, wrapped in each other’s arms again. Exhaustion from all of our sex took over and didn’t make it very late. We were woken up by a knock on the door the next morning. Simon delivered some bags of clothes for me. Elijah went through them, picking out some jeans and a simple sweater for me to wear. I was amazed at how well they fit.

He had some sexy underwear and make up in the bags as well - everything I needed in fact. He checked some emails while I got ready. I couldn’t believe that my life had changed so much in twenty-four hours. I was assured they had taken care of the club and I was safe from them. I was excited to start a new adventure in Chicago and even more excited to see where this relationship with Elijah was going to go.
