Page 16 of Bad Blood

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Except I’m not. I blink in shock as my eyes flutter open. I’m lying on top of Paddy’s chest. Paddy’s verynakedchest, his strong arms are wrapped around me, holding me tightly to him. Ohmy. This is a wicked nice way to wake up.

My face is pressed against his collarbone, and his face is buried in my hair as he sleeps deeply. Sunlight is spilling through the window, dappling on the bare hardwood floor.

I have no idea what time it is because he doesn’t have a clock here, and my phone is on the coffee table.

My small movements must wake him because Paddy stirs, nuzzling his face into my hair as he does so. The gesture does funny things to my lady parts, heat pooling there.

“What are you doing?” I whisper, wincing as his face stops moving, though it’s still buried in my hair.

“Holding ye,” he murmurs back, which definitely has the butterflies fluttering in my vagina. Okay. Panty-meltingly sexy. But… unusual.


He pauses for a moment, still not moving his face out of my hair. When he answers, his voice is a little muffled.

“Because ye were upset yesterday,” he replies, though he sounds unsure of himself now. “Do ye not want me to?”

Uh. Yeah, I want him too. I’m not some ice-cold stone bitch. Before replying, I stroke my fingertips across the bare skin spreading out from underneath my cheek, my eyes watching the movements I’m making with wonder.

His breath hitches and I pause my strokes when I feel something else hitching. Somethinghugepressed against my hip.

“No, it’s nice,” I murmur. Nice? It’sheavenly.Despite everything, I think I’m living out some kind of fantasy right now. Reality will surely come knocking, but I’m okay if it doesn’t any time soon.

One of Paddy’s hands leaves my back. He hesitates for a moment before trailing his fingers through my hair.

Closing my eyes, I let out a small sigh at the feeling. Yeah, this is definitely nice. Paddy’s hand halts in my hair at my sigh.

Keeping my eyes closed, I murmur to him. “No, don’t stop. I like that.”

His breathing hitches again, but he starts stroking softly again before I can second guess my words. I focus on the feeling of his fingers sliding through my hair and the steady beating of his heart underneath my cheek and eventually drift off to sleep.

When I wake again, I’m still lying on Paddy’s chest. He has stopped stroking my hair, but his fingers are still tangled there, while his other hand rests on the small of my back. His dick is a hard ridge underneath my stomach, digging into me.

When I lift my head, I see he’s lying there, staring straight up at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought. At my movement, his head tips forward, his eyes finding mine. Paddy studies me in silence for a beat, a frown marring his perfect face.

“Ye sleep a lot, lass.”

“Making up for lost time,” I mutter.

His frown deepens, but he doesn’t say anything. He moves his hand from my hair, stroking his fingertips along my cheekbone.

“I have to get to the club.”

Oh. Oracle. Shit. Of course.Ye sleep a lot, lass. That probably meantI’m late for work, waiting for you to wake up. I have no idea why he didn’t just leave… but I’m sure he had his reasons.

I nod jerkily, scrambling backward off him, taking the comforter with me. As I uncover him, it becomes obvious he got into bed in just his fitted trunks. Hell.

My eyes land on his gloriously bare body, and my cheeks heat up, but I can’t drag my eyes away. They slide over the hard planes of his torso and fix on the enormous bulge contained in his black fitted trunks.

Cheeks tomato red, my tongue darts out to wet my lips, and a growl rumbling from Paddy’s chest has my eyes darting up to meet his coal-black ones.

He’s staring at me with blazing heat in his eyes, his jaw tight. It’s a wicked good look on him and has heat curling low in my stomach.

“Did it make ye feel better?” he growls. “The cuddling?”

He was trying to make me feel better? That’s…sweet. I blink in surprise and nod.

“Yes. It did. Thank you.”
