Page 50 of Bad Blood

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Paddy looks over at me, his eyes tight with pain. “Yes,” he replies, his tone clipped.

I nod, not sure what else to say. This is his bedroom from before his parents were murdered. Given the tight eyes and the pain etched across his face… I don’t think he’s been here since they died. But he brought me here now. That’s…wicked big.

Paddy sighs, reaching for me. I eagerly scramble into his arms as he kisses me. It’s achingly, soul-searingly sweet, and I cling to him.

“This is the first time I’ve been back in fifteen years,” Paddy says against my lips, and I hug him more tightly. I thought that might be the case.

“I don’t mind if we stay somewhere else,’ I offer, but Paddy shakes his head.

“Iwantto stay here with ye,mo chroí.”

Well. I absolutely melt at that, getting distracted when Paddy’s hand moves to pop the button of my jeans.

“Now,” he growls against my lips. “I have a teenage fantasy or two I’d like yer help with.”

Apparently, we’re not staying herealone. I wander downstairs searching for coffee, my eyes sliding over the dated furniture and family pictures. My eyes linger on a particular family photograph at the bottom of the stairs.

His mother, a beautiful woman with red hair and pale skin, is seated in front, dressed in a gorgeous green dress. Paddy and his father stand behind her, a hand on each of her shoulders. Paddy looks young –just as handsome – but carefree and looser around his eyes.

His father looks a lot like Paddy does now. A proud man with dark hair and eyebrows and handsome features. Tearing my eyes away, I continue walking from the staircase, turning the corner into the kitchen.

I shriek and tug Paddy’s button-down shirt closed as Lucky blinks over at me in shock from his seat at the kitchen table. There’s a thundering of footsteps, and Paddy crashes into the room.

“Are ye okay, lass?” he starts to ask, his eyes dancing over Lucky’s slack jaw, my wide eyes, and the fact I am clutching his shirt closed over my chest.

“You didn’t say we had company,” I say faintly. Paddy smirks, his eyes boring into mine.

“Oh yeah.” He jerks his thumb over his shoulder at the table. “Connor’s your new bodyguard.”

Connor must by Lucky’s real name. Paddy’s eyes drop to my body, and he stiffens as they linger on my hands.

“And he better not have seen anything,” Paddy growls angrily, turning around and glaring at Connor, who raises his hands in a ‘surrender’ position.

“Not a fecking thing, Paddy. Not a one,” he promises, smirking as he lounges back in his chair. Paddy tugs me against his bare chest, ignoring Connor, dropping a kiss in my hair.

“Coffee,mo chroí?” he asks, and I nod.

“I’ll get it.” I move across the kitchen to the coffee maker, and Connor flashes me a grin.

“I’ll take one as well,seamair no cheithre duilleog.”

I blink at him in confusion as Paddy strides across the room, smacking him upside the head.

“Lauren, or silence,” Paddy snaps, but Connor grins.

“As you say, Paddy,” he agrees easily.

Paddy glares at Connor as I set the ancient coffee machine going, digging his phone out of his pocket when its chiming ringtone fills the room.

“This better be important, Fitzy,” he growls down the line. Connor looks over with interest, but I keep my eyes locked on the three mugs in front of me.

Paddy sighs into the phone. “I’ll see you soon.”

Crossing to me, he presses himself against my front, his fingers closing around an empty mug as his lips tickle the outer shell of my ear.

“I have to run an errand for Seamus. I’ll be back later,mo chroí.”

Connor’s phone chimes as Paddy slides his fingers through my hair, tugging my head back and covering my mouth with his. I’m still getting used to kissing Paddy, but it’s quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do.
