Page 12 of Raven's Crown

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Swiveling her head in his direction, she glared at him. “These are not the streets of Jackson, Tennessee or Washington, D.C. You aren’t some caveman who I need to save the day. Here, in Shularia, my family is the highest law in the land. Maybe you should recognize whose world you’re in right now because it’s no longer yours.”



Raven knew from the flash in Dexter’s eyes, her message had been received loud and clear. The only problem was, he didn’t like what she had to say. Too damn bad.

Dexter moved swiftly, grabbing her chin tightly in his hand. “You are my woman. I will never allow anyone to speak to you that way or threaten you. I can’t do it. I won’t do it. Don’t ever ask me again to take a step back from protecting you.”

Raven sighed, and a touch of her anger left. It didn’t completely go away, and his words didn’t fully resolve the issues at hand. “I don’t think you understand.” Raven pulled her face away from him. Tilting her head, she gave him a long look. “Maybe my world is not one you’ll be comfortable in. Maybe wanting you here with me is asking too much of you.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” Dexter snapped at her, which wasn’t something he did. His lip curled in anger, and his brow was creased in confusion.

“Can we talk about this when we get back to the castle?” Her lip quivered as salty wetness threatened to fall from her eyes. She didn’t want to have this conversation with him, but maybe it was for the best. He was so used to being in charge and running the show back home. She hadn’t really given it much thought, but now that they were here, she couldn’t avoid the question. Could Dexter fit in her world, knowing that she would always take precedence? That her word was law. That he would never be the person in charge while on her land. It would always be her. Some men couldn’t handle that change in dynamic. Raven was starting to have concerns about whether Dexter was one of them.

“Why wait until then? If you no longer want this,” he motioned between the two of them, “or us, don’t wait to tell me. I traveled halfway around the world to chase after you. Yet you’ve looked for ways to break things off from the time I landed and walked into that ballroom. What’s really going on? Because from where I sit, you’re no longer the woman I used to know. I’m tired of feeling as if I’m playing catch-up with you, reminding you of how good we are together. I’m at my limit, Raven. You’re gonna have to explain this shit to me.”

Raven couldn’t help the lone tear that trailed down her face. “I know how you like to handle things. You put on this show of being an upstanding corporate mover and shaker, but I know there’s more to your story. I know that your friends Maxwell and Nicholas are into dark, underground things. Seeing you behave that way at the charity event forced me to think about us, and what we’re doing.” Second thoughts about their relationship swirled in her head with each word she spoke.

“I’ll never hurt you. You know I don’t lose control like that, Raven. Yet, you’re pushing me away because you’re afraid of what I might do? Just tell me the truth.” Dexter set back in the seat, his legs spread wide, with his hands resting on his thighs.

Raven felt the need to apologize to him. Her arms itched to wrap around his waist and lay her head on his chest. Closing her eyes briefly, she bit her trembling lip. Okay, maybe she’d overreacted. Dexter’s behavior would be excused once people realized he was not of royal blood. Her reaction, on the other hand, would not. After a few moments of continued silence, Raven began to speak. “They called me the prodigal daughter. When I left to attend college in the states, all the gossip magazines called me spoiled, ungrateful, or uppity. I’m the rightful heir to the throne of Abingdon, but I’m judged differently than other royal children. Every move I make or word I speak is dissected by thousands, if not millions of people every day. My friends, my college, or even when I wear jeans instead of a proper dress, is viewed as a slight against the royal family and my entire country.” Laughing derisively, she dipped her head and took a deep inhale. “I’m actually surprised you didn’t know who I was when we first met.”

“Who said I didn’t?” Dexter’s body language was much calmer as they continued driving.

“Well, if you did, then you’re a pretty good actor,” she said with a smile. “Anywho,” she continued. “Situations like the one back there? Well, that’s what they expect for me, even when I’ve never given them a reason to question me or how my parents raised me. I know who I am, and the role I must always play. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to make mistakes. It simply means that I’m human. But these people, they constantly look for ways to bring me down or call me out as an embarrassment to my family.”

Dexter sighed, rubbing a hand down his face. “And I gave them the ammunition they’ve been looking for. Is that right?”

Raven shook her head to deny his words. She didn’t want Dexter taking all the responsibility for this on his shoulder. “I bear some blame as well. I saw the situation spiraling and reacted even though that scumbag Booker deserved everything you did to him. I’m sorry, Dexter. I panicked.” Moving closer to him, she grabbed one of his hands in hers. “Plus, this thing with my parents is overwhelming. I’m just not handling things the way that I should, and I need to get my shit together.”

“Baby, hear me out. No matter what, I am here for you. We will find out what’s happening with your parents, and who is trying to blackmail them with false information. But here’s the thing I need from you,” he said in a calm voice. He trailed one finger down the side of her face before his thumb brushed across her lips. “Don’t ask me to be something I’m not.” His hand cupped her cheek just before he kissed her softly. “It was never my intent to embarrass you or cause additional stress. But I love you, woman. The man I am will always protect you, even when it’s not the way you want or expect.”

Raven nodded at his words. She knew this about him. It was one of the things that made her so attracted to him. “I’m sorry.”

“For what, baby? Shouldn’t I be the one apologizing to you? After all, Ididalmost strangle a diplomat while at one of your fancy balls.”

Laughing, she turned her head to kiss the palm of the hand resting on her face. “Well, be prepared to explain what happened tonight to the King and Queen.”

He shook his head, pulling back from her in fake shock and confusion. “Wow! Now they’re the King and Queen when I do something wrong?”

“Yup,” she laughed before leaning back against his chest.

“Are you going to prepare them for the stories of you storming out the room?” He wrapped his arms around her body, squeezing her tight as he planted a kiss on her temple.

“Nah. Once they hear how you almost killed Joshua Booker at one of the most public events in our city, they’ll forget all about me.” Raven giggled as she pictured her father’s face. This was going to be good.

“Traitor,” he growled.

“Don’t worry. I have a lot to make up for with you once we get behind closed doors. Trust me, you should just let them fuss and lecture you about protocol, etiquette, and representation of the kingdom. You’ll get your treat later.”

Dexter groaned at her words. “I don’t take orders very well, which you already know. But tonight, for you, I will. But be prepared, I want your full-fledged apology tonight for everything you’ve done since I arrived.”

“What about me? Do I get something for your bad behavior?” She teased him, rubbing her hand along his thigh, getting closer and closer to his thickening cock.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. I have something special in mind for you tonight.” Tilting her chin up, he captured her lips in a soft, sensual kiss. He broke their connection and looked into her eyes. “You mean everything to me. You are my world. I don’t always do the perfect thing at the right time, but to protect you, I would take on any threat. Sweetheart, living in your world will take some adjustments, but I’m willing to make that change. With you is where I belong, so I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, which will keep me from killing anyone who tries to take you away from me.”

Smiling into his handsome face, she knew Dexter’s words were what she needed to hear. He may not be perfect, but he was perfect for her. Her man was a badass, and she loved every inch of him. They may not be a typical couple, but there would never be a dull moment.
