Page 103 of Breaking Lucia

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“What?” I ask him. “Do you want a kiss or not?”

Victor keeps staring at me. His thumb runs over my lower lip but doesn’t attempt to push into my mouth. I’m starting to regret having asked, until Victor says, “Good girl.”

Those two words make me flush completely red. I’m mortified by just how much of an effect they have on me, how I’m suddenly tempted to squirm against the arousal building inside me. Thankfully Victor leans in and kisses me, so I can pretend it’s the physical contact, not his condescending praise, that got me worked up.

From behind me, hands massage my back, and my nightshirt is pushed up to bare skin. I feel lips moving gently along my spine, and one kiss after another, then a hand palms my breast.

“Get out of the way, Saint,” Angelo grumbles. “You two are hogging her.”

I don’t have to be told whose arm is snaking around me then, pushing Saint out of the way and pressing in close to me. Lips press against my throat, and this time, two hands are grabbing my tits, unmistakably Angelo’s.

Victor keeps kissing me, deep and long, ignoring Angelo as he paws all over my body. He has what he wants—my mind, my soul, and it doesn’t seem to matter who else is touching me as long as he has my attention.

“I want to fuck you,” Angelo growls against my ear. The puff of his breath on sensitive skin makes me shiver. “I wanted to since yesterday. You killed Ricci. I didn’t even know you could shoot. Bet it was so fucking hot.”

Victor breaks the kiss then, and I moan pitifully in protest.

“She was indeed ‘fucking hot,’” Victor says. “And she’ll look even better stuffed with cock. What do you think, Lucia?”

Well, that escalated quickly.

I blink at Victor, my brain trying to catch up to the moment as I replay the conversation in my head. It hadn’t beenhot, not to me, no matter how much adrenaline it had pumped through my body. It had been terrible and stressful, and I’d doubted my aim. All the practice in the world just can’t prepare you for the real thing.

“Whose cock are you trying to stuff me with?” I ask, not sure of what else to ask.

But does it even matter?

“Who do you want first?” he counters, grinning lazily. He slides my shorts down my thighs while waiting for me to respond.

First. Apparently, I’ll be taking all of them either way, but I get a choice in this matter. Then I realize the trap Victor set: whoever I choose, I’ll be declaring some sort of preference. Just for that, I’m definitely not going to say Victor’s name.

“Saint,” I say after a pause.

Saint’s expression, which had become solemn and even a little awkward as he’d been pushed to the wayside, brightens at that. Angelo doesn’t look nearly as pleased, but Victor doesn’t even look the slightest bit surprised.

Bastard was probably planning that too. How does he know me better than I know myself?

“Get on your back, Santino,” Victor urges. “Let her take you at her own pace.” His hand slips between my legs, and he smirks. “She should be wet enough for you, at least.”

My cheeks burn at that, but he’s not wrong. All of the attention and the kisses and the touches have left me feeling almost unbearably horny.

Saint doesn’t hesitate. He slides onto his back, his cock already hard and ready with light glinting off of his piercing. I glance at Victor, trying to glare, then at Angelo, tryingnotto glare, then move to Saint. Slowly, carefully, I straddle him, guiding the tip of his cock into my slick hole.

I close my eyes, enjoying the sound of Saint’s hiss of pleasure as I start lowering myself down onto him. It’s all pleasure, until Angelo grabs my hips and shoves me all the way down on Saint’s cock.

I yelp and look at Angelo, glaring at him as I try to catch my breath. Saint doesn’t seem bothered; if anything, his mouth is slightly open, and he looks a little giddy.

“What the fuck, Angelo?” I ask, squirming as I try to get used to having Saint’s full length inside of me.

“You were taking too long.” Angelo smirks. “I think he’ll be done in a few thrusts. Then it’s my turn.”

“F-fuck off. I’m gonna last longer than that,” Saint says, flipping Angelo the bird. “Gonna go half an hour, just to piss you off.”

Angelo snorts in amusement, but I have to agree with him that it’s unlikely Saint will last long at all. I squeeze tightly, making Saint moan in response.

On the other hand, I’d rather let myself get used to this before letting Angelo take me with his thick cock. With another glare in Angelo’s direction, I lift myself up, slowly, and go down at the exact same pace. It’s excruciatingly slow, but I enjoy the way Saint whimpers.

Saint attempts to speed things up, but Victor puts a hand on his thigh. “Santino, stay still. Lucia’s in control here.”
