Page 101 of Claiming Vanessa

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It’s been a long time since I’ve woken up with someone in my arms.

I’m disoriented for a moment, trying to remember if I’ve slept over at Giulio’s creepy place with his creepy snakes and lizards, but the person next to me is soft. Sweet-smelling.

Still clothed, somehow, though I distinctly remember getting a pretty decent blowjob the night before.

When I open my eyes, I have Vanessa staring warily at me. I wonder if she would have tried to leave if she wasn’t trapped in my embrace. No, I don’t need to wonder. She would have moved to the couch at the very least.

“Where’s Giulio?” I ask, brushing some of her hair out of her face.

She flinches and looks away. “He went to see Elena, he said.”

I nod. He’s always checking up on Elena, like she’s not a grown-ass woman capable of taking care of herself. Sure, there are the scars, but the body’s still pretty hot. Not my type, but still. “How long have you been awake?” I ask, pulling her closer to me.

“Since Giulio left.” Vanessa squirms, but I make sure to keep my grip on her firm.

“Mm,” I say, breathing in the scent of her hair. It smells good, surprisingly. I thought they mostly gave the girls the cheap shit, but then again, Vanessa’s not just one of the girls here. “And you didn’t try to wriggle free of me?” I grin at her.

Her eyes dart away, and I have the feeling she tried to do just that. It only makes me laugh. She’s so damn predictable. But she couldn’t have tried too hard, or I’d have woken up.

“I’m hungry,” I say, finally releasing her with a yawn. “Too bad no one fucking delivers here. What sort of shit do they feed you here?”

“Dinner is like… sandwiches and things,” Vanessa says after a moment, sitting up.

I’m not sure how she’s still dressed, and I don’t like it. I tug at her shirt, noting the missing button on top, and I’m tempted to rip the rest free. I carefully start to unbutton them, though, one by one, and she looks at me like I’ve just utterly betrayed her.

I pull the shirt off her shoulders, admiring the marks Giulio left behind. “He marked you up pretty good,” I say, impressed. “I guess I should add some of my own. Then Damien can’t bitch.” Too much, anyway.

I take the shirt and tuck it over my arm as I amble to my feet.

“You stay there,” I direct her.

I head to the door of the VIP room—which is unlocked, but she’s not going anywhere in just her panties while the club is still in full swing—and poke my head out. I don’t see Donny, so I close the door and go look for him.

“Hey, I’m starving,” I say when I finally find him. “Any food around?”

“You know the boss doesn’t spring for a cook or anything here,” Donny says. He looks frazzled, but he knows better than to put me off. “You can check the kitchen, though. One of the girls might’ve made something.”

I grumble but head off to the kitchen. All I can find is a few premade sandwiches, and I grab three before heading back to the VIP room, shoving my way through the crowd.

Vanessa is right where I left her, sitting on the bed but with the blanket wrapped around her chest now.

“Here,” I say, offering one of the sandwiches to her before I take a huge bite of another.

She takes it gingerly, but she doesn’t go to eat it. I shrug, not forcing her.

I’m half tempted to call Giulio and demand he go pick up some food for us, the way he always does to me, but I bet he’s already gotten somebody else to do a dinner run for him. He never visits Elena without food.

“So Jules and Damien grabbed you at the wedding?” I say, a little curious about the woman I keep fucking. I don’t usually care about the women I use, but if she’s going to be Giulio’s baby mama, I should get to know a little about her.

Vanessa bites her bottom lip, then slowly nods. “Yeah,” she confirms. “My only other choice was to go with… Victor Corvi.”

I bark out a laugh. “Sweetheart, I doubt you really had an option. And why would you go with Corvi, anyway? He’s even worse than Giulio.”

She hunches her shoulders. “Because he has Lucia. Then we’d be together.” Her head snaps up. “You’re… an assassin, right? Can’t you… If you free Lucia, I would…”

I arch a brow at her, eating the rest of my sandwich in a few big bites. “Giulio would flip if I went and freed your big sis from Corvi and company. It’d be a declaration of war.”

“But no one would have to know it was you,” Vanessa insists.
