Page 18 of Claiming Vanessa

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“Fuck off, no. I don’t have a cage big enough for her.” Giulio snorts. “Unless she wants to share with Antonia.”

I cast him a horrified look. He wouldn’t really put me in a cage, would he? And he already has another girl in a cage? Antonia?

He just gets more and more horrible the more I learn about him.

“Well, I sure as fuck can’t take her home,” Slayer says, getting off the bed and starting to get dressed again.

“She’s not going with you anyway,” Damien snarls. “Keep her here, then. Tell Donny she’s off-limits until we’ve trained her, and warn everybody that if she disappears, so will they.”

Giulio takes a bit of a stretch. “Okay. She can take that room next to Elena. Aw, fuck, I forgot to talk to her earlier.” He walks over to the coffee table and picks up the salad he’d dismissed earlier. “Nobody wants this? I’m giving it to Elena then. Damien, do whatever you want with Vanessa, I don’t care. Slayer, get the fuck out before the staff gets even more nervous than they already are.”

He doesn’t bother to wait for a response, just jogs out the room, trusting his men to do his bidding.

Slayer stares at Damien for a moment, but he turns to me. “See you soon,Vanessa.” He says my name like it’s a threat, and I shudder. He doesn’t bother saying anything to Damien before he stalks out of the room, looking for all the world like a cat that’s just been doused in water but is trying to retain its dignity.

Damien holds his hand out to me. “Come on. There’s a shower upstairs.” He glances over at my discarded clothes. “And I’ll find something else for you to wear.”

Though he gets himself dressed, he doesn’t leave the room to go search for other clothes for me to wear. Instead, he leads me to the door completely naked, and I balk at the doorway. I’m not going out there naked. Not in this hell.

Damien sighs and puts one hand on the back of my neck, squeezing lightly. “Don’t make things harder for yourself. I know you’re smarter than that.”

I flinch at his touch. “I can’t go out there… like this,” I say, not even bothering to hide my alarm. “Can’t you find me some clothes now? I won’t leave this room.”

Where would I go, anyway?

“I told Giulio you were smart and obedient. Don’t make me a liar,” Damien says almost gently. It’s the tone of voice that made me think he might be kinder than Emilio Pavone, but I realize now that he’s just as much a monster as the rest of them.

My shoulders slump as I realize I’m not going to win this fight.

He smiles at me, but he crosses the room to the couch. I’m not sure when he took off his suit jacket, but he grabs it and comes back to me. “Here,” he says, helping me into it and even buttoning the middle button for me.

I squirm, trying to pull it down a little. It’s long, thankfully, but since we’re almost the same height, it doesn’t offer the same protection it might if I was shorter.

He opens the door, leading me out into the dim lights of the strip club.

All I can do is follow.



Vanessa’s neck is so small. I keep thinking that as I lead her through the strip club. If I squeeze, I could cut off her breathing entirely, in a way I’d never manage with Giulio. She’s trembling, too, and even though I just came, I can feel my cock stirring a little.

I would have enjoyed that session more without Slayer present, but I can’t deny that it was very enjoyable, in the end.

Some of the patrons stop to stare at Vanessa, although most are much more enraptured by the dancers in front of them. I want to wrap my arm possessively around her waist, but I love the feeling of her fragile neck in my hand.

For her part, Vanessa keeps moving at a steady pace, probably aware that the faster she moves, the faster she will be away from all the curious eyes.

Donny meets me just outside the door labeledemployees only.

He’s closer to the mid-forties than I am. His hair has already gone completely gray, and he wears clothing meant for men a lot younger than him. I’ve heard several of the staff comparing Donny to a stereotypical pimp, both from looks and attitude, but he’s the better of our two managers.

He gives Vanessa a quick once over. “She the new girl Giulio mentioned?”

Vanessa blanches at his words, and she squirms, holding the front of the suit jacket more closed around her.

“No,” I say firmly. “She’s here for safekeeping. She’s off limits to the public.” After a short pause, I add, “If anything happens to her, the party responsible will answer to me.”
