Page 61 of Claiming Vanessa

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“We could find a dildo to keep her plugged,” Damien says as he pushes one of my thighs aside. He runs one hand along the inside of my thigh, then rubs his fingers along my hole. I’m far too sore, and I don’t know why Damien is playing with me—he’s very clearly spent, too—then I realize… he’s pushing Giulio’s cum back inside of me.

It makes me shudder, and I choke back another sob. Why is he so determined to get me pregnant? Why are the other two playing along with this?

“Some sort of dildo or plug, yeah,” Slayer says. “For her ass, too. I think she should stay stretched out and ready for us anytime.”

“Then she’s not a beloved queen at all! More like a concubine.” Giulio turns his head and nuzzles my hair. “Is that more fun? Maybe I’d be down for some pet play too… Although this club definitely isn’t fancy enough to have the good equipment.”

I don’t even want to ask what kind of equipment he means, or what he means by pet play. I feel so sheltered, which is terribly ironic considering who my father was and all the things I’d seen growing up.

But they hadn’t beensexthings.

“You don’t have to choose one or the other,” Slayer points out. “You like this roleplaying shit, you can change it up whenever you want.”

Giulio yawns and twists to drape an arm across me. “Yeah. We’ll figure it out. Next time. One of you go tell Donny we’ll probably be here for a while. I am not fucking moving for at least an hour.”

Damien sighs and slides off the bed, reaching for his clothes. “I’ll do it. But don’t forget, we have a meeting first thing tomorrow morning. You can’t be late, so no staying the night.”

“I’m never late,” Giulio says dismissively.

Slayer snorts. “Right. And I’m the Queen of England.”

“Vanessa, wasn’t I on time for the old man’s wedding?” Giulio pokes my stomach. “I was so good, showing up so I could watch everything go to hell.”

“You were on time because I dragged you out of bed, forced you to get ready, and also drove you to the venue,” Damien says. “If I’d left you to your own devices, you would have been late.”

“And if I had been, maybe all of Corvi’s plans would have been derailed! See, should have let me go at my own pace.” Giulio grins at Damien’s stern expression. “Anyway, I’m always there at exactly the time I want to be there.”

“That doesn’t mean you’re on time,” Slayer points out. “But whatever. I want a nap and maybe another go at Vanessa before I leave for the night.”

Damien glares at Slayer, making a disgusted noise, before turning to leave.

“So, Vanessa? Did we satisfy you?” Giulio’s voice has softened, but I’m still tense. I don't know how to handle their strange banter that barely includes me, and when it does, I wish I were still invisible to them.

I know what he wants me to say, so I say it, even though my voice is tiny, “Yes.”

“Ooh, you’re learning how to act! Good girl,” Giulio says. “Okay, nap time. And… fuck, I should go see Elena before I leave too. Wake me in half an hour.”

He pulls me against his chest, in a strange mockery of intimacy. If we weren’t in a strip club, if he hadn’t kidnapped me, if Slayer weren’t on the other side… maybe this could have been mistaken for romantic.

But it’s not.

It never will be.



Iwave to the bouncer as I walk past him, earning a few glares from the people in line. Mostly men, with a few women who probably wish they were anywhere but here. Funny, how men manage to drag their girlfriends along to strip clubs.

I stop to greet a few more people and ask them about how things are going before I finally wind my way toward the VIP seat I’d reserved on the second floor. Unlike Ntimacy, Ruby’s is actually nice. There’s good food, good alcohol, and the girls aren’t on the verge of breakdowns.

It also costs an arm and a leg to get in, and the people we’re servicing here are stockbrokers and bankers, not the blue-collar guys who want to unwind after suffering abuse in warehouses and construction sites.

“Yo,” I say, sliding into the chair across from Slayer. He’s nursing a beer, glancing up at the dance stage on occasion.

“I thought you were never late.” Slayer taps on his phone. “We agreed to meet half an hour ago.”

“No, I said I always showed up at exactly the time I wanted to.” I knock my foot against his ankle under the table. “I gave you plenty of time to watch the girls and get in a dance or two, didn’t I?”
