Page 18 of Dealing with Kate

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The rest of the evening was kind of a downer. Now that he knew Edward really was dirty, it took the fun out of his family’s meaningless banter. He begged out before dessert was served, much to Kate’s relief. He told them he had to go and see his mother, which was true, signed the contract, and left.

Dinner with his mom and Chuck was the exact opposite of dinner at the Parkers. So quiet you could hear a pin drop, no one saying much of anything. He wasn’t hungry because he’d just eaten with the Parkers, but picked at the chicken his mother had made and had some apple pie for dessert.

“So, I put in an offer on a house last week, and it was accepted. I’ll be moving to New Bern in a few weeks,” he said, desperate to break the silence.

“Honey, that’s wonderful,” his mom said. “Tell us about the house.”

“It’s a two-story craftsman on Old Towne Lake. I’ll be able to keep my boat at the dock, which will be great. It has a small pool, and a nice-sized backyard Duke will love.”

“That’s exciting, dear. It will be nice to have you close.”

“Scarlett, the pie was delicious,” Chuck said. “Could I get another piece?” He made no move to get it himself, clearly indicating he expected his mom to serve it to him.

It bothered Adam that his mom jumped up right away to do his bidding. The lecherous look Chuck gave his mother’s backside also set him on edge. In a not-so-subtle effort to show Chuck what an ass he was being, Adam got up and offered to help his mom, following her to the kitchen.

“What, are his legs broken?” he whispered. “He can’t get his own piece of pie?”

“Honey. It’s fine. I was getting up anyway.”

“Uh-huh.” Adam refilled his water glass and returned to the table, hoping this evening would be over soon.

Chuck asked Adam whether he’d found out anything about the mayor, and Adam reluctantly told him about the conversation he’d overheard.

“Money laundering and infidelity?” Chuck said. “I knew it.”

“I have no proof of anything though,” Adam clarified.

“Well, it’s something to check into,” Chuck said. “Anything else?”

“No.” Even after hearing what he had, and knowing people harbored secrets all the time, he was having a hard time reconciling the Edward at the dinner table with the Edward in the study. Adam was generally a pretty good judge of character, and Edward seemed on the up and up. He also seemed to genuinely love his wife.

“Is it possible you could be wrong about his character?” Adam said.

“Are you saying I’m a liar?” Chuck’s face reddened.

“No. I just mean, if he has issues, wouldn’t they have come out by now? He’s been mayor for like twenty years.”

“Just because he hasn’t been caught, doesn’t mean he isn’t as dirty as my socks after mowing the lawn. He’s taken the easy way out since college, and I’m sure this is no different.”

Adam didn’t have a dog in the fight, so he shut up and finished his pie.

Even if Edwardwasa nice guy, if he was guilty, he shouldn’t get away with it. Either way, he’d already said something and there was no taking it back. Chuck could look into it and see if there was any merit.

At the end of the evening, his mom walked him to the door.

“Mom,” Adam said. “I don’t have a very good feeling about Chuck’s intentions regarding the mayoral race.”

“Oh, honey. He’s a good man. If he wins, New Bern will be a better place for it. And he treats me so well,” she said.

“If you say so,” he said. “Love you, Mom.” As long as his mother was happy and being taken care of, that was all that really mattered.


Adam had arranged to spend the night in New Bern with his friend Spencer after dinner with his mother. He and Kate were driving to Jacksonville today to evaluate half of his properties, and he didn’t want to be late meeting her again. Monday morning, he arrived at The Drip early and was chatting with the Three Amigos when Kate walked in. Backlit by the sun, her blond hair glowed like a halo. She was wearing a flowy, flowery skirt with a silky sleeveless blouse tucked into it, and, of course, high-heeled sandals. Not one hair was out of place, and her lipstick looked perfect and freshly applied. Damn, those lips looked kissable. He’d have to move this deal along so he could ask her out.

“Good morning, Adam,” she said with a smile. “I see you’ve fallen into the nefarious clutches of Gene, Walter, and Archie,” she said, nodding at each man as she said his name. “Otherwise known as the Three Musketeers. How’s it going, gentlemen?”

Adam was certain that was her way of introducing them, and he appreciated it. He hadn’t thought to get their names when he sat down, and now he wouldn’t have to.
