Page 22 of Dealing with Kate

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A few days later, she was lying out by the pool with her sisters at her parents’ house, drinking mimosas and catching up.

“And then he kissed me senseless and walked away,” Kate finished indignantly.

“But was he right?” Lucy asked.

“About what?”

“That you’d never been kissedproperly,” Lucy said.

“Oh, that. Maybe,” she conceded. “He frustrates me to no end. He’s arrogant and pushy and impulsive.”

“Don’t forget hot,” Lizzie said. “You should go for it.”

“What? No. That’s not even on the table. What are you talking about?”

“Have a summer fling with him. Just because you go out a few times doesn’t mean you’re engaged. You deserve some fun.”

“That’s rich, coming from you. Of course, that’s your advice.” Lizzie was notorious for loving and leaving the men she dated. Well, maybe not loving, but leaving, for sure.

“She’s right,” Lucy jumped in.

“I agree,” Emma said.

“Great, it’s unanimous,” Lizzie declared triumphantly, then sang, “Kate’s gonna get some.”

“It’s not unanimous. I haven’t voted,” Kate exclaimed.

“Oh, honey,” Lizzie said. “You cast your vote the second you told him he could kiss you.”

“It doesn’t help your case when you come here all hot and bothered telling us about his kiss either,” Lucy said.

“He’s a client. A very wealthy, important client I stand to make a copious amount of money from. Having a fling with him is a horrible idea. Do you know how many ways it could go sideways?”

“Methinks she doth protest too much,” Emma said, and they all laughed.

“I don’t know. He seems like a player,” Kate said, trying another line of reasoning. “And, I mean, what does a fling even look like?”

They all looked at Lizzie, who gave a mock expression of surprise and pretended to be offended. When they continued to stare, she laughed.

“Fine. A player is perfect fling material. You don’t want someone that’s into commitment. Then you have to worry about him falling in love and you breaking his heart later,” Lizzie said.

“Why do I get the feeling you’re speaking from experience?” Emma asked.

Lizzie shrugged. “I’m just saying it is a hazard of flings. But if you do it right, you have a mutually good time, and you walk away friends. Easy-peasy,” Lizzie said.

“And why do I get the feelingthatnever happens?” Emma said.

“Hush, Emma,” Lizzie said. “We’re trying to talk Kate into loosening up and going for it.”

“Uh, define ‘we,’” Lucy said. “Kate, don’t do anything you don’t want to do.”

“Oh, believe me,” Kate said. “I’m taking all Lizzie’s advice with a tablespoon of salt.”

“Speaking of salt. Now that it’s settled and Kate’s gonna go for it, let’s switch from mimosas to margaritas. Kate?”

“What? Why me?”

“You were the last one here,” Lizzie said.
