Page 28 of Dealing with Kate

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“Isn’t that your ‘client’?” Lucy asked, putting air quotes around the word client. “The one that kissed the crap out of you?”

“Sh,” Kate hissed. “He wanted to go on a date, and I told him he could stop by here tonight if he wanted. I didn’t think he’d actually come.” Adam caught her eye, waved, and smiled. Her heart did a little flippy thing in her chest.

“He’s yummy,” Lizzie said. “If you don’t want to go for it, let me know, eh?”

“Oh, pft,” Kate said. “You’re just trying to get me to admit I like him.”

Lizzie looked to her other sisters and raised an eyebrow. “Did I say anything about her liking him?”

“Nope,” Lucy and Emma said together.

“Just shut up. Here he comes. Scoot over, Lucy.”

“Hi, Adam. Here, you can have my seat. I was just getting up to get some more punch,” Lucy said innocently, giving Kate a see, I’m-on-my-best-behavior look.

Kate brushed off her sisters and turned her attention to Adam. “Hey. I didn’t think you’d come.”

“That’s the main reason I did. I know you hate it when someone says they’re going to do something and doesn’t.”

“No. That was you who was bothered by that.”

“True. Well, I don’t want to be a hypocrite. Plus, I’m going to be a citizen of New Bern soon. And maybe I like local politics.”

“Uh-huh. Well, have a seat. The speeches are starting soon,” she said, inching over, so he had room to squeeze in next to her. He didn’t touch her once, but that didn’t stop the heat from spilling onto her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him smile when she picked up the program to fan herself with it. Smug bastard.

He endured the boring speeches like a champ, and even picked up one of the envelopes sitting on the table that were meant for donations to the campaign.


Adam knew he should come clean about knowing Chuck. He may not know him very well or like him at all, but if Kate found out some other way, it would seem like he was trying to hide it from her. He would tell her tonight, after this thing was over and they were alone.

He didn’t feel like it should affect their relationship. After all, there were probably lots of people who knew both candidates and even went to campaign events for both. Kate might have a different opinion though. Better safe than sorry.

This was the second political fundraiser Adam had been to in his life. The first had been just last week, when his mom had talked him into coming to one for Chuck. There weren’t nearly as many people at that one, and it had more of a funeral vibe. This one had a lively party feel to it, with everyone chatting and laughing with each other. Edward was also more charismatic and better at public speaking. Chuck was in for an uphill battle.

“That was interesting,” he said when the speeches were over.

“Liar,” Kate said with a smile. He winked in response.

“I just drove up from Jacksonville and have had to pee since I got here. I’ll be right back.”

“Grab some food if you’re hungry. There’s plenty,” Kate called after him.

The restroom was down a hallway that ended in a T. There were two shorter hallways on each end of the T that led to other doors and created little alcoves. As he was leaving the restroom, he overheard Edward talking to someone in the alcove on the left. He couldn’t see them, but he could hear them if he tried. He inched a little closer to where they were talking.

“How much longer are you going to wait?” Edward said. “You can’t hide the truth forever.”

“I know. I know I have to come clean soon. I can’t take the guilt much longer, anyway,” said whoever Edward was talking to.

“Do it when you’re ready. And whenever that is, I’ll stand by you. Hell, I’ve already lied, snuck around on my wife, and laundered money for you.” Edward chuckled.

“I appreciate all you’ve done for me, Edward. You’ve gone way above and beyond. You’re a good friend.”

“Come on,” Edward said. Adam heard what sounded like a slap on the back. “Let’s get back before someone misses us.”

Adam ducked back into the bathroom until he thought the coast would be clear. Damn it. The money laundering thing again. Adam was having a hard time believing Edward was involved in something illegal, but he’d just gone and admitted it again. It sounded like he was doing it to help his buddy, but that seemed risky as hell, and did it really matter what the motive was? Illegal was illegal, no matter why you were doing it.

And what did sneaking around on Sophie have to do with his friend? It didn’t make sense, but it wasn’t like he could ask Edward about it. He’d just keep a lid on the information for now.
