Page 47 of Dealing with Kate

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“Sorry, but those are disgusting. If you think I’m touching one, you’re out of your ever-loving mind.”

“I wouldn’t dream of asking you to,” he said, baiting her hook and then casting it off one side of the boat. “That’s your line. Watch it.”

She gave a smart salute and then laid the pole handle across her legs, using one hand to hold it down, clearly not caring one bit whether or not she caught anything.

“What’s your plan if we catch something and put it in the boat?” he asked.

“Swim home.”

“You know there are fish in the lake, right? You’d be swimming in a lake full of fish to avoid one in the boat.”

“Of course I know that. But I can’t see the fish in the lake, so I can easily pretend they’re not there.”

He gave her a sideways glance. “You told me you don’t swim in the lake.”

“That’s true. Guess we’ll just have to catch and release.”

“So, you live on the lake but never get in it.”

“I just like to look at it, okay?”

“Hey, your pole is moving. I think you caught something.”

“No, I did not.”

He laughed as he reeled in her line. “Congratulations.” He unhooked the fish. “Should we take it home and fry it up?”

“Oh, you’re funny.”

“You catch it, you clean it,” he said.

“I think I just threw up a little.”

“I bet Luna would love the guts.”


He smiled, knowing this was futile. “You done?”

A perfectly manicured eyebrow inched upward, accompanying a “duh” look. He threw the fish back in the water, reeled in the lines, and secured the poles. “All right, well, that was fun.”

She leaned back, resting her elbows against the sides of the boat, and pointed to her house. “Home, Jeeves.”


They’d been waiting on Norman, the Texas REIT representative, to make his offer. When Kate finally received it late Friday, she set aside the weekend to put together all the information Adam would need to make a decision on whose offer to accept. She wanted it ready and presentable by Monday, which she eventually accomplished, despite Adam distracting her for hours on Saturday.

After their fishing trip, he’d talked her into more pizza, wine, and sex. Around midnight, he’d realized it was too dark to take his boat back, and he’d left Duke outside. Kate was too tipsy to drive him home, so she gave him the keys to her Escalade and went to bed. Sunday was not as much fun, but infinitely more productive.

It was Monday, and Adam was coming by later to go over everything. She spent the morning meeting with her coworkers and putting the finishing touches on the presentation. With everything perfect and ready to go, she decided to grab lunch and a coffee from The Drip before he came in.

She placed her order and then walked over to where the Three Amigos were sitting. “You guys still here? I thought you just spent the mornings here. Or have you officially moved in? And Lucy should start charging you rent.”

“Ha, ha,” Gene said. “We got a late start this morning, so we’re making up for lost time.”

“Oooh,” Kate said. “Important business that can’t go undiscussed?”

“Speaking of business,” Walter said. “How’s that thing we bet on going?”
