Page 64 of Dealing with Kate

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“He didn’t deny anything. I thought it went great,” Chuck said, not giving his mother a chance to respond.

“Hediddeny it. Repeatedly. I believe the word he used was vehemently. And if you think that went well, you’re not only reckless, but an idiot. Even after Edward refused to explain, nobody believed you. You have no proof of anything you said, and you walked away looking like a desperate, impetuous ass.”

“The media can pick it up from here. They can do the legwork to find the evidence. Edward’s panicking. Did you see his face?” Chuck laughed.

“What? You are delusional. I’ll tell you what I did see on the way over here though,” Adam said. “A billboard with my picture on it that I never gave permission for. I want it taken down immediately. And if you don’t, I’ll sue.”

Chuck’s face was reddening by the second, and Adam thought he might explode soon.

“Get out,” he screamed.

“As if I want to stay. Mom?”

His mother stood silently next to Chuck, a desperate look on her face. One pleading with him to understand. When had she become so meek?

“Walk me to my car at least?” he asked. She looked at Chuck as if asking for permission, and Adam’s blood boiled.

“Do what you want,” Chuck said, storming off into the house.

Adam took a deep breath. He had to calm down to talk some sense into his mother. She couldn’t possibly be this blind. This desperate. When they arrived at his car, he turned to her.

“Mom, Chuck has no proof of anything he’s accusing Edward of, and only someone desperate or dishonest would mudsling like that.”

“I don’t know what to do,” his mom said. “He can take care of me, and I need that.”

“I think he’s using you for his campaign image. After the election, do you really think he’ll still be interested in ‘taking care of you’?”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say. Don’t you think he could love me for me? Am I unlovable?”

“Of course not. I just don’t see it in him. He doesn’t look at you the way someone in love would.”

“What would you know about love?”

“That’s a fair question.” He huffed out a laugh. “Probably not much, but I feel like I’d know it when I saw it.” Kate’s face sprung to mind, and he got that weird feeling again. A feeling that made his heart warm.

“You’re awfully upset. Is this about the girl? You must really like her.” His mother may be weak, but she also knew Adam better than anyone.

He nodded silently.

“Do you love her?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe. After what Chuck just did, it probably doesn’t matter anyway.”

“I’m sorry,” his mom said. “I didn’t know about the billboard either. I saw it for the first time tonight too. He should have asked you.”

“I can take care of you. I’ve already been looking at houses for you in New Bern. I get that you’re lonely, but settling for an asshole isn’t a good idea.”

“I’m not as strong as you are, honey. I don’t like being alone, and I can’t fend for myself.”

“I can give you lots of things, but self-confidence and self-respect aren’t among them. Those, you’ll have to dig deep and find on your own.”

She swiped away tears and hung her head. Typical of his mother. He loved her, but he also knew her methods. Crying almost always got her what she wanted.

“Not this time, Mom. I’m going to do what I can to fix this mess because I owe that to Kate and her family, but after that I’m washing my hands of Chuck. I meant what I said about suing over the billboard. If it’s not removed by the end of the week, I’ll have it done myself.”

She nodded but didn’t anything.

“And I can’t support your decision to stay with him. We can meet for dinner or coffee, but I won’t be coming over here again. And I have to say, if you decide to hang your hat with this guy for good…Well, I just hope you decide against that. He’s not a good person.”
