Page 67 of Dealing with Kate

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“Yeah. Heard you got yourself in quite a pickle,” Archie said, lifting an eyebrow.

“Nerve or stupidity. Good thing Lucy’s not here today,” Gene said.

“Probably doing damage control with her family,” Adam said, slumping into the chair next to them with a sigh.

“So, I’d say you’ve lost the bet we had. No way you’ve got a shot with Kate now. Time to pay up,” Gene said. “You too, Walter. You took his side.”

“Give me one more week,” Adam said. “I’m going to fix this mess and see if she’ll give me a second chance.”

“Second chance?” Archie said. “You never had a first. Or did you? Is there something you’re not telling us?”

“I’m not at liberty to say,” Adam said, realizing he’d almost outed himself and Kate.

“It’s noble of you to keep denying it, but we already found out about you and Kate,” Walter said. “Audrey spilled the beans last week.”

“Damn it, Audrey,” Adam muttered to himself. “You guys didn’t tell anyone, did you?” Chuck had insinuated a relationship beyond business between him and Kate last night at the debate, but didn’t say it outright. There may be some hope of salvaging Kate’s professional reputation.

“Course not. We know when to keep a secret,” Archie said.

“Thank you,” Adam said. “That’s very gentlemanly of you all.”

“Plus, we wanna see how it plays out,” Gene said. “We have a side bet going.”

“A third one? I don’t want to know,” Adam said, shaking his head. “And I’m willing to go double or nothing I can get past this.”

“Kid’s got moxie,” Gene said, with a nod of admiration.

“Double or nothing?” Archie said. “I’m in, but I’m not sure you’ve got it in you to wiggle out of this mess. I need to change my bet.”

“Ouch,” Adam said, clutching his chest and pretending to be hurt.

“All right, everyone’s in for double or nothing. Bet ends in one week,” Gene said.

“So, any of you gonna make a move on Audrey?” Adam asked, grateful to be changing the subject.

“Walter’s called dibs, but we’re still discussing it,” Gene said.

Adam chuckled. “Will she get any say in the matter?”

“Of course. We’re not Neanderthals,” Archie said.

“She’s sassy,” Gene said, and they all nodded in agreement.

“So, I didn’t just come in to shoot the shit today,” Adam said. “I braved showing up here because I need information. And since you three know everything about everyone…”

They gave him their undivided attention.

“You obviously heard about the debate last night?” Adam said.

“Fell into some hot water, you did,” Gene said.

“And not just with Kate. The whole town’s probably pissed,” Adam said. “I told Chuck what I overheard before I knew Edward. I also told him I thought there was an explanation for what I’d overheard and that he should find out more before saying anything. He didn’t listen. He’s desperate and dishonest. I believe Edward is innocent, and I want to fix what I’ve done. Do you know anything that could help me?”

The three looked at each other. Walter raised his eyebrows in question, and the other two gave curt nods.

“You should talk to Burt Myers.” The look on Walter’s face told Adam it was something serious, and he nodded solemnly.

“All right. Thanks. Any idea where to find him?”
