Page 72 of Dealing with Kate

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It was not a surprise when Brooke knocked lightly before opening the door. “Ms. King is here to see you.”


Kate stayed seated as Brooke escorted the woman in and introduced her. “Ms. King, Ms. Parker.”

“Please, call me Scarlett,” Adam’s mom said.

Kate nodded to a chair as a way of offering her a seat. She wasn’t rude, but also not overly accommodating. She wasn’t sure she wanted to have this conversation.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m here,” Scarlett started, looking around furtively and practically squirming in her skin. Kate nodded.

“I wanted to tell you that this is all my fault. Adam is a very dedicated son, and he’d do anything for me. I’m not proud to say it, but I took advantage of that. I was the one that encouraged him to spy on your family.” She sighed. “Even before he knew you very well, he opposed the idea, but I begged him to because it was what Chuck wanted.”

Kate remained silent, twisting a pen between her fingers.

“Adam told Chuck that he didn’t think there was any validity to the accusations about what he overheard. He said your dad was a stand-up guy and actually warned me about Chuck. I have a not-so-great history with men. Adam tries so hard to make me happy, and I used that to coerce him into doing something he didn’t want to do. I’m sorry.” Guilt rolled off her in waves, and while Kate felt some sympathy for the woman, it didn’t excuse Adam’s behavior.

“The billboard?” Kate said.

“Chuck did that without telling either of us. Adam just happened to stop by when the photographer was there, and I talked him into posing for a family picture. I thought Chuck and I were going to get married, and I could put the photo up in the house somewhere. I had no idea Chuck planned to use it for his campaign. Adam was furious about it and threatened to sue Chuck and the billboard company if it wasn’t taken down immediately.”

Kate stared off into the distance, not sure what to say. Did this change anything? Not really.

“Please don’t judge him too harshly over a mistake he made for me. I’m weak and insecure, and I thought I needed Chuck to take care of me.” A tear fell to her lap. “I thought he would break up with me if Adam didn’t do what he asked, and I’m not strong like Adam. He tells me I need to stand up for myself, and I am trying, but I feel like I ruined something for him and can’t live with that. When it comes to relationships, I’ve been a horrible example to him, but I do think love is possible and want that for him. He really likes you, Kate. Please give him another chance.”

“I’ll take it into consideration. Thank you for coming by.” Kate stood, indicating the conversation was over.

After Scarlett left, Kate turned on some soft music, shut her eyes, and tried some breathing exercises to relax.

“Luna, I think my heart’s broken. How do you fix that?” Kate said, petting the dog sitting on her lap.

“Ice cream or tequila. Both work well,” Lizzie said.

Kate opened her eyes and chuckled. “Well, we already tried tequila, which didn’t turn out so great. Guess I’ll buy a quart of ice cream on my way home. What brings you by? Miss me already?”

“Thought my girl might need a little pick me up,” she said, handing Kate one of two coffee cups.

“Thanks, but I’m coffeed out this morning.”

“Oh, it’s not coffee.” Lizzie winked. Kate opened the lid to an orange, fruity-smelling liquid. She took a tiny sip and laughed. “Peach Bellini?”

Lizzie held up her cup in a toast.

“Is alcohol your answer to everything?” Kate said, putting the lid back on and setting the drink aside. “I can’t drink at work.”

“It’s what I know. And it’s mostly juice.” Lizzie shrugged. “Why not leave work and go home then? I’ll drive you. Mineiscoffee.”

Kate mulled it over. Maybe Lizzie was right. She wasn’t doing any good here anyway. The office would run fine without her, and they could always call if something important came up. Kate picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. “Hm.”

“Or you could come over to the bar, and we’ll have lunch delivered. We could invite Lucy and Emma.”

Movement out Kate’s window caught her attention, and she looked out just in time to see Adam getting out of his car and heading her way. She stood. “I will take you up on your offer to drive me home. Let’s go. Right now. Out the back.”

“The back? Then we have to walk all the way around the block. Why…” Lizzie looked to where Kate was nodding and saw Adam. She started toward the back doors. “Back door it is.”

Kate grabbed Luna and her drink and left everything else behind. Once in the car, they started giggling and couldn’t stop.

“Was that a chickenshit move?” Kate asked. “I’ll have to talk to him eventually. Why not now? Plus, I left my phone and car keys. Maybe we should go back.”
